Try this below and make sure there is NO space after the "/"... also make sure that this is all on one line with no spaces or carriage returns after the final 'end'. It's difficult sometimes to see spaces or carriage returns in the Macro API. I usually hold my delete key [not backspace
] down at the very end of a copied macro before clicking save. Don't copy and paste from a webpage directly into an in-game macro. Paste into Notepad first then copy and paste into game. This ensures your copy is in Plain Text.
I've also encountered some issues with certain mods conflicting with the way they 'hook' into Blizzard API's. If you can't seem to save a macro, disable all your mods, write/debug your macros and save them, then re-enable all your mods and your macros should work. If they don't then chances are one of your mods is conflicting with the Macro API.
- Code: Select all
/script if (UnitName('target')==nil) then TargetNearestEnemy() PetAttack(target) else if not buffed("Curse of Agony", 'target') then PetAttack(target) cast("Curse of Agony") else if not buffed("Corruption", 'target') then cast("Corruption") else if not buffed("Immolate", 'target') then cast("Immolate") else if not buffed("Drain Life", 'target') then cast("Drain Life") end;end;end;end;end