You know, isn't warlock supposed to have a native -20% threat like all the other DPS classes? I noticed that damage registers on KTM at a 1:1 scale, suggesting no threat reduction. Who's wrong?
Larsen wrote:You know, isn't warlock supposed to have a native -20% threat like all the other DPS classes? I noticed that damage registers on KTM at a 1:1 scale, suggesting no threat reduction. Who's wrong?
no, warlocks have no inherent threat reduction. the only way we can is with set items (8/8 Nemesis, 5/5 Doomcaller, 6/8 Plagueheart) or speccing way down Deamonology Master Deamonology and have an Imp out.
<Titans of War> Xashe "Behold those who have power, and who are not afraid to wield it. Behold... the warlocks!" - Gul'dan
Also, there is something called a threat ceiling, if you're ranged and trying to pull aggro you have to be at 1.3x the threat of the tank, i.e. make 30% more threat than anyone else. If you're melee that's 1.15 or 1.2, can't exactly remember. KTM ED version displays this number as a blue bar.