by diogenes » Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:53 am
In my experience, if your first fear fails, you generally lost your opportunity to fear. Maybe I'm bad, but I prefer to save my death coil for pealing off a healer or something of that nature, as it is quite good at that. Yea, its a relatively short cd, but it is literally our strongest ability, and I don't think it is worth it (in most circumstances, there are DEFINITELY times when I would use it to chain a cc) when there are probably going to be more important times to use it just right around the corner.
Yea, pallies have to waste a gcd per dot, but so do you to do the reverse. Especially if you're sm ruin, its critical to get corruption up on as many targets as possible. Since its a 1 to 1 trade for gcds, one pally on dispel duty is going to mitigate a tremendous amount of damage by doing so. Sure, its not worth doing at the expense of a player dying, but keeping corruption from ticking is going to nullify a lot of your damage. Yea, admittedly a priest is going to do the job better, but my only point is a paladin can do this relatively effectively, where only horde priests can, and they already have a lot of work put on them being the only defensive dispelers. You're going to get dots to tick, but you're more likely to get more dot ticks as alliance, and as a result you're going to get more nightfall procs.
Often times, at least later in the game, warriors who fap, don't have many--if any--magic effects on them. When dispelling a warrior who just fapped you're fairly likely to get that dispel if you use it. Further, the felhunter has just the same problems when using it defensively as offensively. Hunters have hunters mark, mages have detect magic, warlocks have... their dots, priests have their dots, paladins have judgments to protect hoj.... I'm not saying it isn't "more useful" as a defensive dispell because I do agree, but there are no few situations where it is very useful offensively, especially if your faction only has one class that can dispel offensively. All your argument did was point out that the felhunter is not a good dispel to rely on, but it is a good ability to augment what you already have.
I suspect the delay of grounding totem probably has to do with server lag. I doubt there's anything that can be done about it scripting wise. But on the topic of totems, they shouldn't have great uptime with hunters or warlocks who both can literally macro a totem destroyer macro to all of their abilities. The totems will get some uptime, but they shouldn't be up much considering the ease of using totem destroying macros. And bringing a warlock along as alliance to use simply as a windfury destroyer is not a bad idea at all. Destroying shaman totems is easier to counter than a priest/paladin/shaman dispelling buffs or cc's. Fear will be removed because of tremor, but it is something that can be countered just like BoF and BoP are abilities that can be countered.
Then there's WotF. And that has been discussed in previous posts. Yes, WotF is really strong against locks, but when you look at the other racials that horde has to offer, pretty much every class except for and priests (and possibly mages, but honestly i think beserking is still worth it even though it is bugged on this server). Even rogues, benefit way more from bloodfury and hardiness than wotf and cannibalism.
Sure, undead rogue is really strong, but really, the only benefit of going undead is that it makes it even easier to beat two classes that you're already super strong against. Since you're going to be able to easily beat most locks and priests anyway, Why not get a buff to your damage and a stun resist that is going to help you a lot more against classes that you don't fair as strongly against.
Now its 100% true that the priests you need to fear are probably going to be undead, and that's pretty critical. But I assert the same is true with fear ward (or at least it should be), but we're not going to get anywhere with that because my experience is so different from yours. My experience is that half decent priests generally don't give you 1.5 additional seconds to land a fear on them once they've seen an "immune" pop up and (probably notified by an addon) that they no longer have fear ward active. Additionally, the 5 seconds of fear immunity can easily be countered by adding a grenade to your deathcoil since you already brought up chain fearing with the aid of deathcoil.
My only point here is that bringing a warlock--be it on horde side or alliance--is like bringing a multi-tool on a camping trip. Sure, other specified tools are going to get the job done better, but for the sake of saving space it might be good to bring that multi-tool so you can practically carry other necessary tools. Warlocks are relatively strong in wsg, and very strong in ab. Stronger in ab partially because of their strength as defenders, but also because you're less likely to be able to deathball and that's where a multi tool will be most useful--when you cannot carry all of your specified tools at once.
I agree you shouldn't have more than 2 locks (and that's really pushing it because it is usually its hard to fit in more than 1 lock especially in wsg). But to give advice to bring no locks--regardless of the faction you're giving advice to--is a huge over-exaggeration. I mean, I'd always bring 1 lock if for nothing other than Curse of Tongues... let alone being similar to a multi-tool.
Last edited by
diogenes on Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.