Bobl12 wrote:
- Code: Select all
/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)
/run local a=GetBagName(4); if a=="Core Felcloth Bag" or a=="Felcloth Bag" or a=="Soul Pouch" or a=="Box of Souls" or a=="Small Soul Pouch" then PickupContainerItem(4,GetContainerNumSlots(4)) DeleteCursorItem() else end
i cant seem to get this macro to work with my Small Soul Pouch any ideads anyone?
The small soul pouch has less than 16 slots, so you need to tinker with it a bit so it doesn't try to delete slot 16 but deletes slot 12 instead. Try this, no idea if it works, but you get the idea.
- Code: Select all
/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)
/run local a=GetBagName(4); if a=="Core Felcloth Bag" or a=="Felcloth Bag" or a=="Soul Pouch" or a=="Box of Souls" or a=="Small Soul Pouch" then PickupContainerItem(3,GetContainerNumSlots(4)) DeleteCursorItem() else end