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Lock without rank 14/raid gear

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 7:22 pm
by kavinskyr
Hello guys

How are warlocks at 60 without the topnotch gear, pvp wise?
Basicly I wanna do my stuff, but limited at time, im trying to find a class that can bring me some satisfaction without ending work,wife, kids ;)

Re: Lock without rank 14/raid gear

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 8:58 am
by Connact
I'm Combat Arms in the US Army so I definitely don't have much time to play either so I can attest pretty well to the fact that they're very playable in pvp. Unfortunately this isn't 2006 where people don't know how to get out of a seduction and you just freecast shadowbolt, but if you play quickly you can get kills. I'm currently Soul Link spec mainly for voidwalker leveling and just hit 60 today and find it fairly easy to kill hunters/rogues/warriors. However I'd like to play less boring specs but due to gear and everything it seems that SL works best for fresh 60 pvp.

Re: Lock without rank 14/raid gear

PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:38 pm
by Cousy
PvP is all about survival at this gear level. If you don't have the items necessary to allow you to play a damage spec, I'd second the SL spec. As a fellow warlock, I will say that seeing a warlock with a VW out means 'free kill' to me, but it will help you against rogues / warriors who typically are going to be the people who beat you the most anyway.

Re: Lock without rank 14/raid gear

PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:47 pm
by Karrier
I got a question about SL build:

whats the best other talent to go with it? Soulburn or Nightfall? Is it a matter of preference?

also is it any better to use VW on soul link, or stick with felhunter?

Re: Lock without rank 14/raid gear

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2015 4:49 am
by Cousy
Felhunter is way better. Spell lock, dispels for magic debuffs (both yourself and others) is almost essential. Paranoia is great for spotting rogues. It's really no competition. The only reason you would even use a VW is if it's the only way you can stay alive against rogues / warriors but that would gimp you against priest / druids / paladins + shaman / mages and other warlocks.

Re: Lock without rank 14/raid gear

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2015 6:37 am
by Karrier
Thats what I guessed thanks

About the soulburn/nightfall, is it whether you prefer a random proc or a reliable burst every 15sec, right?

Also if I choose soulburn, where should the remaining 9 points go?

SL/NF: ... 132501051r (3 spare points, I guess grim reach would be the option, then 1 spare point left)
SL/SBurn: ... 0510505e1i (with 9 spare points)

Assuming 5/5 for instant corruption, I cant decide if to put points onto these talents:
-improved life tap
-fel stamina (+hp% pets)
-improved spellstone (+30% absorb)
-devastation (crit%)
-destro reach

some variations I mean: ... 0512505e1i (life tap, spellstone) ... 0510505e1i (life tap, fel stamina) ... 510505d41i (devastation, kinda dont like this) ... 505d41023f (no corruption, %crit and searing pain, destro reach)

which would be better? or which SL build are the best pvp warlocks running? (hehe)

Also is improved life tap important in pvp? In longer fights I would say so
Will I be using spellstone a lot? I think I dont see warlocks using it

Sorry for so many questions, I hope this also helps other people with doubts
and thanks:)