Demonic Sacrifice bug

Demonic Sacrifice bug

by Lighthammer » Fri May 08, 2015 9:11 am

Apparently if you sacrifice your pet to get your Demonic Sacrifice buff and then someone resurrects it, you won't lose the DS buff. So you will have your pet, your DS buff and your MD buff. Pretty sure the DS buff should be removed if the pet is ressed.
Yarvaxea warlock classleader of <Dagordacil>
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Re: Demonic Sacrifice bug

by nervous » Fri May 08, 2015 3:34 pm

Already reported it, doubt it's high on their to do list.

Re: Demonic Sacrifice bug

by Cousy » Sat May 09, 2015 2:04 am

I view this as an exploit and have (and will continue to) report warlocks who abuse it.
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Re: Demonic Sacrifice bug

by Lorilay » Sat May 09, 2015 5:57 pm

As far as I know, Blizzard never banned anyone for it and it took them until 1.12 to fix it. I think the last thing this server needs is more petty things to ban people over.
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Re: Demonic Sacrifice bug

by grimnarr » Sun May 10, 2015 1:35 pm

Fixing this before 1.12 would be unblizzlike :^)

Re: Demonic Sacrifice bug

by Dayoni » Mon May 11, 2015 4:56 am

I remember being able to do this back in the day. The wording in the talent says says nothing about losing the effect if you have an active demon, only if you resummon one. No one would doubt that this use was unintended but why not throw demonology warlocks a bone?

Re: Demonic Sacrifice bug

by nervous » Mon May 11, 2015 10:03 pm

Dayoni wrote:I remember being able to do this back in the day. The wording in the talent says says nothing about losing the effect if you have an active demon, only if you resummon one. No one would doubt that this use was unintended but why not throw demonology warlocks a bone?

It was patched out in 1.12 or something, actual documentation is in my report

Re: Demonic Sacrifice bug

by Lighthammer » Wed May 13, 2015 10:45 am

It is quite a serious buff, 13% extra damage (with soul link) if you're only spamming shadowbolts in raids, + you get to use the succubus for some additional damage and seduce cc. The other buffs are pretty good too, 2%mana/3%health reg per 4 seconds means less tapping and happier healers.

Would really like a GM's response on this to see if we can use it or not. I personally won't use it until a GM says I can.

The patchnotes that Nervous is talking about can be found here:
Code: Select all
The trick of Demonology specced Warlock Engineers using Jumper Cables to resurrect a pet that's been Demonic Sacrificed, thereby giving both buffs, has been removed. The buff from Demonic Sacrifice now vanishes whenever you have a pet active regardless of how that pet got (back) into the world.
Yarvaxea warlock classleader of <Dagordacil>
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