Dots, Curses, and other Curses bugs?

Dots, Curses, and other Curses bugs?

by Zauxst » Wed May 13, 2015 9:50 pm

So... Short story dots don't stack on the same target from multiple warlocks?

I was with another warlock in group, I was level 20 with level 14 skills learned, and he was level 22 with w/e skills learned.

We tested Agony and Immolate on the same target. My agony with 1/3 improved Agony got removed and I was unable to override it. Immolate as well.

Now curse or reckless as well doesn't remove fear as it should.

For example:
Use fear then use curse of reckless... Nope, target still runs in fear.

I don't know if this is an issue with spell ranks and if this issue is not applicable at max level. That's why I made this forum post so people could actually test this on multiple levels, and would be nice to report if this is true.

EDIT: So it seems that it's based on ranks. SInce my Immolate at the time of writting was rank 2 and agony rank 1. And his was rank 3 and rank 2 respectively... But it still counts as a bug.

Re: Dots, Curses, and other Curses bugs?

by mynamewastaken » Thu May 14, 2015 3:54 pm

yea all bugg report buggedbugtraker asap pls so many warlock bugs, they should have disabled the class here until all buggs fixxed
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Re: Dots, Curses, and other Curses bugs?

by Sunsi » Fri May 15, 2015 3:25 pm

How is this a bug? It was like this in vanilla. 2.0 introduced mixed rank stacking.
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Re: Dots, Curses, and other Curses bugs?

by Zauxst » Fri May 15, 2015 4:35 pm

Sunsi wrote:How is this a bug? It was like this in vanilla. 2.0 introduced mixed rank stacking.

I found this:

Isn't the current patch 1.12.1 ?

And, the 2nd bug where Curse of Reckless doesn't dispell Fear?

Re: Dots, Curses, and other Curses bugs?

by Youfie » Wed May 20, 2015 11:28 am

Zauxst wrote:
Sunsi wrote:How is this a bug? It was like this in vanilla. 2.0 introduced mixed rank stacking.

I found this:

Isn't the current patch 1.12.1 ?

And, the 2nd bug where Curse of Reckless doesn't dispell Fear?

CoR shouldn't dispel Fear. It should just stop its effect. You should be able to cause a target to be Feared / no longer under Fear effect by cycling through CoR & another Curse, but it shouldn't actually remove the Fear debuff.
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