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Warlock leveling guide?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:05 am
by mhaustin

I am looking for a Warlock leveling guide akin to this one for Paladins ... guide.html

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Re: Warlock leveling guide?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:47 am
by Skuggor
Life Drain
Life Tap
Howl of Terror

P.S : I'll provide a more serious answer later when I'm back from work

Re: Warlock leveling guide?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 4:16 pm
by Voodoom
Voidwalker -> Pet attack -> Curse of Shadow -> Corruption -> Shadow bolt -> Life tap when low mana -> Drain Life when low HP -> Shadowburn when the mob is at one shadow bolt of death.

When you fight an elite mob, keep it under fear everytime.
When your Voidwalker is almost dead cast Sacrifice.
The elite should be dead by now.

If you are ganked (or ganking) don't forget to sacrifice your Voidwalker when you are about to die.
The shield is pretty big and lasts 30s, often enough to finish the fight.

I suggest you to level with a SM / Ruin spec, begining with the Destruction tree like this.
Shadowburn is amazing and can lead to serious rape ganks with Ruin.

Re: Warlock leveling guide?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:44 am
by Drain
There's a few different strategies to leveling Warlocks. I always preferred to mix Affliction with Demon, getting some of the best talents from both. This is probably the best way to level, but you can try anything you like.
With 9 in Affliction: 3/5 Suppression, 2/2 Improved Drain Soul, 2/2 Life Tap
With 11 in Demo: 2/2 Healthstone, 3/3 Voidwalker, 1/1 Fel Domination
This can be done as early as level 29, with Amplify Curse 2 levels away.
This is a mana efficient build with a buffed tank pet. Without the talent, the Voidwalker will struggle to keep aggro. Fel Domination is less important but convenient.

If you do want to go up Destruction, I'd suggest doing it after getting these talents I recommended. Nukes aren't as mana efficient in general as dots, and the tree has no healing or mana talents in it past that 5% cost discount. That kind of makes up for Suppression, but isn't as point efficient nor affects your most useful spells(Fear, Drain Life, Drain Soul, Death Coil). I should point out that Conflag is basically a wasted spell to use on mobs. You may as well just let the Immolate run its course. Shadowburn, which doesn't eat your Immolate buff, is at 11 points in the tree. Conflag is mana efficient, but only if used towards the end of the Immolate CD. As I said, you could just let the debuff run its course without bothering with the spell at all. I do want to play Destruction again, but it'll be at max level for BGs, lol, not leveling up.

Re: Warlock leveling guide?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:21 am
by Sethzer
@Drain: Remember to copy the URL above the talent trees under "Link this build" to share the build ur referring to, since ur link is showing an empty build 8-) ... 2m20503c1z (guess this is what you are referring to).

I'm prolly gonna go with this build to 29'ish as you mentioned.
How would you go from there towards 60 and also would you start in Affli first before taking the talents in Demo?

Re: Warlock leveling guide?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:15 pm
by Voodoom
I don't see the point of going Demonology.
The VW is tanky enough and you don't need 15% stamina because you don't take damage, your pet do it for you.
And if you don't spam SB you won't take aggro. If that's the case just cast fear. No need for improved VW threat generation.

Re: Warlock leveling guide?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:35 pm
by TheLockKing
Voodoom wrote:I don't see the point of going Demonology.
The VW is tanky enough and you don't need 15% stamina.


You need 15% more stamina so you can have more mana. LIFE TAPS FOR DAYS!
Specially better if you don't take Cataclysm from the Destro tree.

Re: Warlock leveling guide?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:35 pm
by koelkast
first I go affliction till Shadow Mastery, just place dots, life tap and drain life is the way to go then after shadow mastery go demo for buffing pet a bit.
Its the spec with the least downtime for me and u can take on alot of mobs just spam corruption on all of them for the nightfall procs.