Unorthodox specs
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:38 am
Hi there! I have apparently found WoW again after many years. It's been a long time. This topic is more for a little bit of fun, but anyhow! What sort of unorthodox builds have you seen from a Warlock? From a PvE perspective, most Warlocks would spec SM/Ruin, with some going DS/Ruin and a couple going MD/Ruin. I was curious if there are many unorthodox specs running that any of you are familiar with. I am aware that these might not necessarily be ideal in a top-tier raid environment, but even so, I'm a little curious.
Looking forward to your replies and I hope to see most of you ingame.
Looking forward to your replies and I hope to see most of you ingame.