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Destro lock

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:36 am
by durabigael
I keep reading the forum about lock and mostly everyone seem to think that Destro lock suck for leveling , cannot kill any player with that spec except if they are afk ..... I guess you guy have never fought a good destro lock even at low level , or you just plain don t know what are you doing.

Destro lock are amazing. I m leveling one (once again) and i m doing a lot of bg with it. Even without been a twink i think i m doing an amazing job at it

I Cannot wait to have a more functionnal spec at lv 29 , an amazing one at lv 38 , and a complete one at lv 49.
I am a PvPer , the only reason you will see me in a raid in to get gear to go pvp with it.
I will never achieve rank 14 , there is too many people playing it non stop (that the only way to achieve it) I will probably try again to get rank 10 to get my free epic mount.

The only must .. EVERY LOCK what ever the spec you choose , should start with the instant corruption.

Destro lock is 100% doable and 100% enjoyable. But i suggest UD for cannibalize

Re: Destro lock

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:23 pm
by Baalls
Destruction locks are tons of fun!

This will be my second lock in the vanilla era and I fully plan on leveling as destruction.... when I can respec and get conflag. Until you have conflag +instant corruption you'll be a weaker version of a frost mage spamming SB and LT all day long..zzzzzzZZzzz. Thats why I tend to do a hybrid of demon/affliction until then. 1 on 1 pve fights of the same level tend to be quicker than any other spec(obviously) and who doesnt like big numbers!

As for pvp I think SL is more friendly to fresh or undergeared 60's than destruction. People will quickly realize your SL and just prioritize other players in BG's.

Re: Destro lock

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 2:55 pm
by Volo
I leveled up full destru as well. Not the fastest way but still fast compared to other classes and awesome to have when encountering allies.