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Races selection

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:16 am
by Darnozz
I want to eventually roll a warlock but most probably on horde side.

I know that most of them are undeads but what about orcs? I would prefer to play orc for looks and also that stun resistance might be useful.


Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:04 am
by fishkerdydoo
Depends a bit on what you would like to do.

Will of the forsaken vs. stun resistance?

Seeing as your pvp trinket dispels fear and your felhunter can also dispel, if you want to pvp I'd definitely go for Orc since our trinket does not remove stuns.
Hope this helps :P

Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:44 am
by Numi
Orc is the best for both PvP and PvE, that stun resistance is a game changer so often. 25% is a pretty high chance of resisting a stun, and if you resist a single stun from a rogue he cant win a duel.

Fear isnt a big deal vs warlocks, because of the mentioned felhunter dispell, but will of the forsaken is the safer bet if you think youd struggle with juggling a lot of things in pvp, as the 8 sec dispell CD could easily get you killed if you dont pay attention to what youre using it on.

Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 7:10 pm
by Darnozz
Thanks a lot for your imput guys! ;)

I've begun my orc warlock and look foward to level him and have fun ;)

Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:45 pm
by durabigael
Since i love warlock so much i want to give you all the real pro and cons of all the race

Human: -Stealth Detection , Perfect in Pvp to spot rogue. A click that spot them from far. Dot them and enjoy
-10% bonus rep , really good to get rep. Instead of needning 42k rep in bg u only need 38k

Gnome: -+5% Int , More crit

Orc: - +5% Pet Dmg , Yes please
- Stun resist , Good for BG
- Their berserk skill , increase spell power

Undead: -Will of forsaken , remove fear.
- AND Canibalize , the best racial skill for warlock.

Horde > Alliance because you dont fight other undead. But i was human lock in vanila and i really miss
my stealth detection. Another good point about alliance , lock is more rare. Its easier to get a raiding group as an alliance warlock compare to an horde warlock.

Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:49 pm
by westlee
durabigael wrote:
Horde > Alliance because you dont fight other undead. But i was human lock in vanila and i really miss
my stealth detection. Another good point about alliance , lock is more rare. Its easier to get a raiding group as an alliance warlock compare to an horde warlock.


Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:10 am
by koelkast
durabigael wrote:Orc: - +5% Pet Dmg , Yes please
- Stun resist , Good for BG
- Their berserk skill , increase spell power

As far as I know, blood fury doesnt increase SP, only AP in this version.
Can anyone confirm?

yet Orc is still the best choice overall imo.

Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:56 pm
by Numi
durabigael wrote:Since i love warlock so much i want to give you all the real pro and cons of all the race

Human: -Stealth Detection , Perfect in Pvp to spot rogue. A click that spot them from far. Dot them and enjoy

Orc: - Their berserk skill , increase spell power

Undead: - AND Canibalize , the best racial skill for warlock.

Human stealth detection is wasted, because youll pvp with a felhunter with paranoia anyway, making you spot rogues from max range anyway.

Orc zerk doesnt give spell power yet, it only gives melee attack power.

undead: Cannibalize isnt that good for warlocks, you rarely ever use it while grinding / leveling because youre regening more mana and life than you spend, it has some use for pvp, but its not worth it compared to orcs stun resistance.

Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:18 pm
by durabigael
You lifetap and cannibalize.

Canibalize is THE skill for warlock

Re: Races selection

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:04 pm
by Numi
durabigael wrote:You lifetap and cannibalize.

Canibalize is THE skill for warlock

If youre spending time not killing mobs youre wasting time, you have 0 need to cannibalize because youre always net positive in regen, thats the quickest way to level / grind.

Sure, in sub optimal specs its a decent spell because youll not be net positive, but why are you min maxing race if youre in a bad specc?