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Level 60

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:12 pm
by axelalm
Hello, i just turned 60 and curious about a spec. is there any spec that does good dmg in instances and good for pvp currently DS/ruin from another thread but i dont wanna sac pet for pvp cause of the pet abilities so im wondering if you have any good specs that balance it out

Re: Level 60

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:13 pm
by axelalm
no raiding yet tho, i just wanna do decent in dungeons and pvp at the same time

Re: Level 60

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:39 pm
by Cwasm
SM/Ruin is a good way to go. Lots of points in the Affliction tree so you get all those dots for the PvP and your Shadow Bolt is good for every other scenario you're in.

Re: Level 60

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:46 am
by diogenes
Honestly, I'm a HUGE believer in a soul link spec, and while its true you can't pick up ruin for a nice dps increase for pve, you can tell a HUGE difference in your survivability.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan in going deep into aff for nightfall with soul link (while that is certainly a path you can go down), I like picking up shadow burn as its a much more reliable instant cast you can use (so long as your willing to keep your shards in decent supply). Even more, going for shadowburn gives you an excuse to put points into bane which will make you significantly more valuable in 5 mans. I just think its an all around good spec. Here's what I use:

Now, there are a few talents that I would consider debatable as to whether you want to pick them up. I go with imp voidwalker, because it helps with soloing a bit, gives you a better shield if you decide to sacrifice it, but really you could go with 3 points into any of the demons of your choice. A second talent I pick up is isb instead of cataclysm. I could see the argument for cataclysm, as it will save you some mana (albeit a very small portion of your mana).

Last, I didn't use the last 4 talent points. Personally, I dump them all into aftermath, because you might be able to get a lucky aftermath proc after a shadowburn or, if your not under attack, and you're spamming searing pain or shadowbolt its a nice addition to the damage of those spells. However, I could totally understand putting those last four talents into devastation or imp lifetap (and aftermath or devastation with the remaining two). Honestly, the choices you have at that point are somewhat limited (although maybe I'm bad for not picking up imp LT it really is a significant mana boost to your lifetaps), and I can see good arguments on all sides.

Of course, this isn't a raiding spec, but it should do perfectly fine in 5 mans where the min/maxing dps isn't as big of a deal (but to be honest the dps requirements for MC isn't really a big deal either) simply because bane is the largest pve dps increase a warlock has. It is really painful for me to group with anyone without it and I just feel like my dps is significantly gimped without it.

Re: Level 60

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:55 am
by ishraqyun
If you're a fresh 60 and grinding 5man with people also in greens you might consider a dark pact + destruction build. I don't know why the guide for leveling doesn't speak about it but it's the best way to have nearly infinite mana. It'll help you in long fights and let your heals take care of the tank instead of you. Use a shapeshifted imp and you'll never have to lifetap.
The bonus you get going deep destruction is canceled when you are oom middle of the fight and have to wand.

I'm currently using a soul link build. It's mainly for pvp, but I also put 3/3 improved imp. So in raids I'm grouped with the main tanks and heal so they get my buff. It's only 120hp bonus but better than nothing. Also healthstones get the 20% bonus when you create them, so I always make sure I have 50+ shards and trade them to everyone that wants. 220hp more is also good for tight fights.

tl;dr : dark pact at first, then SM+ruin if you want the best dps in raids, or soul link if you want to be good for pvp and provide some unique raid utility.

Dark pact :
Soul link :