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Warlock keybinds
Thu Jul 30, 2015 11:21 am
by Colezz
Hello, i recently created a warlock because i have never tried it and was wondering if anyone could post their keybinds. Currently having trouble managing pet at the same time as managing my abilities and all other abilities. also any useful macros would be great
Re: Warlock keybinds
Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:15 am
by diogenes
unfortunately, I used to control my pet using exclusively the ctrl+numbers. However, I recently got a naga mouse, and it has made things significantly easier, since I was able to keybind those twelve buttons to keys I would never be able to hit accurately and consistently.
I know its a somewhat significant investment, but it really has made controlling my pet a thousand times easier, and I don't know how I ever played a lock in vanilla or tbc without such a mouse.
Re: Warlock keybinds
Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:29 pm
by draxyl07
Here are mine:
1- Shadow Bolt
2- Immolate
3- Conflagrate
4- Corruption
5- Curse of Agony
Alt + Mouse5- Fel Domination
Alt + Ctrl + Mouse5- Demonic Sacrifice
Shift + 3- Rain of Fire
Shift + X = Hellfire
Mouse5- Searing Pain
Alt + Shift + Mouse5- Drain Life
Alt + Mouse4- Drain Soul
Shift + G-Banish
Alt + Shift + Q- Demon Armor
Shift + K- Eye of Kilrogg
Ctrl + E- Detect Invis
Ctrl + W- Unending Breath
Alt + 3- Potion
Ctrl + Mouse4 - Drain Mana
Shit + D- Curse of Doom
Shift + R- Curse of Recklessness
Shift + Q- Curse of Shadows
Shift + E- Curse of Elements
Shift + T- Curse of Tongues
Shift + W- Curse of Weakness
Shift + 2- Deathcoil
Shift + Mosue4- Fear
Shift + H- Howl of Terror
Ctrl + S- Life Tap
Ctrl + Shift + Mosue5- Summon
Alt + R- Shadow Ward
Shift + Mouse5- Shadowburn
Alt + S- Use Healthstone
Alt + Shift + E- Enslave
Alt + 1- Trinket 1
Alt + 2- Trinket 2
~ Wand
Shift + F- Soulfire
Re: Warlock keybinds
Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:45 pm
by Sigu are mine. I have changed them up a little since i'm pvping this weekend. But most still stand the same way. Basicly you just wanna find which you are using the most and which you wanna have closest to you. Also consider how easy it is to move while pressing it is a big deal on instant casts
I have macro for felhunter silence as shift-2 and macro for dispell myself instant on f, and macro for dispel target on shift g. (If i use void/suc i use shift-2 for sacrifise/seduce)
hope it helped if not just a little ^^
Re: Warlock keybinds
Sun Aug 23, 2015 2:33 pm
by Botmaster5
Q - Shadow Bolt
W - Curse of (Insert assigned curse)
E - Shadowburn
R - Ultimate, aka: Deathcoil
1 - Health Pot
2 - Mana Pot
3 - BotRK
4 - WotA
5 - Zhonya's
6 - Luden's Echo