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SL or SL?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:28 pm
by Botmaster5
Gonna start to rock some PvP... and since SL/SL is not possible in vanilla, which SL should I go for?

Where are my R14 lock brothers and sisters at?

Re: SL or SL?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 1:00 am
by diogenes
I'm just going to be straight up honest with you man. I'm not a fan at all of an aff/demo build.

The only one of your specs that I would even attempt would be the nf/sl build, but I really don't understand why you would want to use that build when you could essentially do the same thing with devoting less talent points in the demo tree by picking up shadowburn instead of night fall. Points into destro gives you a lot more control, and less reliance on procs. Sure, shadowburn costs a soul shard, but that really isn't a huge problem unless you're terrible at managing your shards, and if people are actually dispelling your corruption, then you still have a strong instant cast nuke.

In any case, your sm/unholy power build is ridiculous. I have no idea why you would go that deep into the demo tree and not get master summoner for a .5 second summon of any demon just so your pets will do a little more damage. If you're going to go 30 points into aff, the remaining 21 should ALWAYS be spent getting ruin. There's just no other spec that can justify SM (except maybe dark pact if you're leveling solo, but i'm not even a huge fan of that really).

Re: SL or SL?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:39 pm
by Numi
There is only two decent builds for warlock PvP right now,

Standard SL


Standard fire Destro

The remaining talents are optional, but those are the basics of the builds.

Rest are gimmicky at best, but Soul Link seems to be the most powerful right now, if you want a cookie cutter.

I haven't personally played Fire Destro, but I've played shadowbolt conflag destro and that was a lot of fun, definitely a specc I recommend.

Re: SL or SL?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:52 am
by brendanv
sm/ruin, not considered above decent.. this thread XDDDDDDDD

op's 2nd link looks best imo. rest of these specs besides the destro are wtf

Re: SL or SL?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:30 am
by DieselPower
I am using this spec:

Soul Link is op agains all kind of melee which our biggest problem.

A used to be 30 / 0 / 21 but at battlegrounds you are just rekt by melee.

So I went the spec above and am really happy. 1 vs 1 you kill anyone. even if you are undergeared.

Re: SL or SL?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:41 pm
by diogenes
DieselPower wrote:I am using this spec:
Soul Link is op agains all kind of melee which our biggest problem.

I'd also like to add that its even more op against casters.

The only class I have any kind of trouble with 1v1 are hunters, as they can still kite you until you have no mana due to the insane mana drain of viper sting, at which point, you begin dealing most of the damage to yourself via life tap and their damage on top of that is just too much to handle. I've thought about just saccing the felhunter for mana regen, but I dont think its enough regen to overcome viper sting, and then they really have control because they can turn on aspect without fear of being dazed.

Re: SL or SL?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:08 am
by brendanv
with no gear, sure. dont discount sm/ruin completely though. with death coil, i could solo even marshal warriors. hunter, again, was biggest pain in the ass. but good nightfall procs could take down even the most geared. having nightfall and shadowburn can lead to some serious burst, and catch healers off guard leading to some 1v2's or even 3's if you outgeared/they are terrible. CoE is quite fun as well. much less tank, but quite powerful if played well. master demo is greatly missed though in that spec. pet basically immune to banish is so lovely