Gaul wrote:There are so many different versions of this build on the forums, I just have a couple of questions.
This is the build I am looking at right now: Is Curse of Exhaustion worth taking? I was thinking 4/5 in Fel Concentration instead - is CoE better?
- 2/2 in Intensity - Is that "mandatory" and if not, how would 2/5 in Cataclysm (2% reduced cost) work instead?
- I also see some builds use 2/2 in Imp Drain mana, is that any good?
It all comes down to what you want to do, PvE / PvP? Both? Etc.
Since you don't clarify that, I'll give you some "standard" builds and the "required talents":
Standard PvE: important talents for PvE DPS are:
Improved Life Tap (Means you tap 20% less per fight on average, _very_ small DPS increase.
Shadow Mastery: 10% damage is always nice.
Improved Shadow Bolt: It's not a massive DPS boost, but it's better than 5% mana decrease as you won't be tapping a whole lot.
Bane: ~15% more Shadow Bolts cast in the same time, ~15% DPS increase if you're free casting all fight.
Devastation: 5% crit is ~3-4% DPS increase, depending on your hit and crit %
Shadowburn: Useful tool to DPS while moving, should be used on most boss fights at the moment, but I can't put a number on how much DPS this adds.
Destructive Reach: Allows you to outrange things like the fear on 2nd boss in MC (the dog, Magmadar?), also very hard to put a number on, but 0% on fights with no 30 yard range spells.
Ruin: 4% DPS boost if you have 10% crit, rough formula is: ( 1 + (0,critchance% * 2) ) / (1 + (0,critchance% * 1,5)), this means 20% crit gives you a ~8% DPS boost.
Curse of Exhaustion, it's a niche spell as it works on very few mobs, but when it does, 10% is enough to let you kite mobs, along with a searing pain that does extra threat (bugged, atm it does 50% less threat), this makes you a useful tool in raids.
Standard PvP: if you're 100% pvp I recommend SL / SB as it's a pretty broken spec right now.)
(Also worth mentioning, I've never personally tried this build, but it's 99.9% of the DPS of the PvE one, while
also adding in some awesome leech options, and might even sneak in drain mana talent once it's implemented properly.)
Both: similar to the PvP build because it picks up all "important" DPS talents but Improved Life Tap.
Do note, using any SM PvP variant you will be squishy and a pretty simple target for rogues / warriors, this is much less of a control spec than SL / SB, but it also does a lot more damage if you're allowed to freecast, so I've nicknamned it "suicidebomber", after Sorcerers / Bright Wizards running similar builds in Warhammer Online.
Will probably try this out next week or once I hit r10, it's definitively a different playstyle to SL / SB.
This is probably 20x the information you wanted so I'll stop for now, but I figured I'd explain it all once and for all, if anyone want further information on any numbers, Numilock on alliance is a great place to start asking questions!