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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 4:15 pm
by Gaul
There are so many different versions of this build on the forums, I just have a couple of questions.
This is the build I am looking at right now:

- Is Curse of Exhaustion worth taking? I was thinking 4/5 in Fel Concentration instead - is CoE better?
- 2/2 in Intensity - Is that "mandatory" and if not, how would 2/5 in Cataclysm (2% reduced cost) work instead?
- I also see some builds use 2/2 in Imp Drain mana, is that any good?

Re: SM/RUIN Build

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:39 pm
by Yeaok
fel concentration sucks dick, cataclysm is alright, intensity is alright (bugged still?)

Re: SM/RUIN Build

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 9:47 pm
by Numi
Gaul wrote:There are so many different versions of this build on the forums, I just have a couple of questions.
This is the build I am looking at right now:

- Is Curse of Exhaustion worth taking? I was thinking 4/5 in Fel Concentration instead - is CoE better?
- 2/2 in Intensity - Is that "mandatory" and if not, how would 2/5 in Cataclysm (2% reduced cost) work instead?
- I also see some builds use 2/2 in Imp Drain mana, is that any good?

It all comes down to what you want to do, PvE / PvP? Both? Etc.

Since you don't clarify that, I'll give you some "standard" builds and the "required talents":

Standard PvE:

The important talents for PvE DPS are:
Improved Life Tap (Means you tap 20% less per fight on average, _very_ small DPS increase.
Shadow Mastery: 10% damage is always nice.
Improved Shadow Bolt: It's not a massive DPS boost, but it's better than 5% mana decrease as you won't be tapping a whole lot.
Bane: ~15% more Shadow Bolts cast in the same time, ~15% DPS increase if you're free casting all fight.
Devastation: 5% crit is ~3-4% DPS increase, depending on your hit and crit %
Shadowburn: Useful tool to DPS while moving, should be used on most boss fights at the moment, but I can't put a number on how much DPS this adds.
Destructive Reach: Allows you to outrange things like the fear on 2nd boss in MC (the dog, Magmadar?), also very hard to put a number on, but 0% on fights with no 30 yard range spells.
Ruin: 4% DPS boost if you have 10% crit, rough formula is: ( 1 + (0,critchance% * 2) ) / (1 + (0,critchance% * 1,5)), this means 20% crit gives you a ~8% DPS boost.

Curse of Exhaustion, it's a niche spell as it works on very few mobs, but when it does, 10% is enough to let you kite mobs, along with a searing pain that does extra threat (bugged, atm it does 50% less threat), this makes you a useful tool in raids.

Standard PvP:
(although if you're 100% pvp I recommend SL / SB as it's a pretty broken spec right now.)
(Also worth mentioning, I've never personally tried this build, but it's 99.9% of the DPS of the PvE one, while
also adding in some awesome leech options, and might even sneak in drain mana talent once it's implemented properly.)

Very similar to the PvP build because it picks up all "important" DPS talents but Improved Life Tap.

Do note, using any SM PvP variant you will be squishy and a pretty simple target for rogues / warriors, this is much less of a control spec than SL / SB, but it also does a lot more damage if you're allowed to freecast, so I've nicknamned it "suicidebomber", after Sorcerers / Bright Wizards running similar builds in Warhammer Online.

Will probably try this out next week or once I hit r10, it's definitively a different playstyle to SL / SB.

This is probably 20x the information you wanted so I'll stop for now, but I figured I'd explain it all once and for all, if anyone want further information on any numbers, Numilock on alliance is a great place to start asking questions!

Re: SM/RUIN Build

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:44 am
by Codeine
I roll with being the imp warlock in raids and find fel concentration useful for farming, does alright in pvp aswell.