Wosser wrote:i was just wondering why you are looking especially for this 1 lt = 3 sb mark.
because 4 SBs per lifetap is kinda out of the question
all joking aside...
when you are 60 seconds into a boss fight, and you are spamming the '1' key, bouncing on the bottom of yoru mana pool, you want to be as efficient with your GCDs as possible to maximize DPS output. i want to know that when i tap, i have the mana for 3 SBs. not tap and squeeze out 2 then realize i dont have enough for a 3rd, waste another GCD for more '1' spamming
we can be one of the most efficient DPS sources in a raid, if healers keep people healed. no other class has the sustained damage output we have without having to pop HUGE cooldowns (recklessness, adren rush, innervate, evocation, etc)