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Warlock Faction Choice
Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:05 pm
by Shadowtrail
OK after reading lots of posts here and talking to some peeps in game I can't decide what faction to make my lock. I like ally and being on the lower pop, but I don't want to fight wotf. I want to play horde for the better racials and I do like orcs, but less people to kill being more populated even if it isn't that large. This whole with a pve server also could mess with the populations more. I want to be raiding and doing pvp with my lock. I just can't decide yet any convincing arguments for either side out there??
Re: Warlock Faction Choice
Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:33 pm
by Aethelwulf
If you intend on obtaining a bunch of your gear through PvP and Tailoring (which provides Robe of the Void and in a later patch the Bloodvine Set among others), then getting raid-capable gear shouldn't be a problem even on the Horde side. Bloodvine in particular is considered one of the best raiding sets.
Re: Warlock Faction Choice
Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:52 am
by knotic
... the difference between the population of each faction is so minor that it isn't even worth discussing. anyway you should go horde for 2 reason. 1. Not having to fight an undead that can insta break out of your best cc. 2. shamans are the bane of warlocks. so instead u get to fight pallys which wont be nearly as bad.