by vathdaar » Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:41 am
In other words: if you re shit at pvp dont roll alliance since your 2 working braincells will not be enough to fear twice instead of once to undead targets and you wont be able to fear a shaman without destroying his tremor totem. #LOGIC.
On the other hand if you re good at the game ( after 10 years) both sides have pros and cons, as an alliance warlock you re facing teams with only 1 dispeler ( priests ) so its much easier to control the other team, especially shamans which are a dummy target after you break their tremor/grounding, and they only rely on their priests to dispel dots, aka you make higher pressure.
As horde you re gona have a bad time if you play against good set ups of priest/paladins, especially when priests have fearward (dwarves), sinces both the palas and the priest will dispel the whole teaming from Fears and dots and both have trinket that remove FEAR.
Lord of the <Local Ungoro Mafia>
Curator <NOPE>