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Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:22 pm
by dezzieace
I was reading a thread regarding the topic of best pvp class in vanilla and a lot of people were saying warlocks for the following reasons: soul link was like 30% and really strong, with sm ruin you could deal so much damage, locks had more health than tanks and had great survivibility. What I'm wondering is this actually true? Are really strong in pvp or are they average?

Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:29 pm
by zeequenz
I've played a Warlock from 2005-mid wotlk, pvp only on retail and went to play private servers after and from my experience, a Warlock is a very strong class even with average skill level. After a while you find so many more little tricks adding more survivability and that helps you out vs nearly all classes.

If you are interested in PvP, I can highly recommend playing a Warlock ;)

Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 11:46 pm
by dezzieace
I already have a holy priest which I hate playing pvp and want to choose a strong pvp class as my second. Would you recommend choosing a lock over the other op classes strictly for pvp like warrior, mage , rogue , or enh shaman?

Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:46 am
by Aethelwulf
On the alliance side, Warlocks are definitely not one of the best classes in PvP. This is because Will of the Forsaken negates both Warlock CCs in addition to leaving the PvP trinket up. Given how many horde classes are over 70% undead (rogues, mages, priests, warlocks), alliance locks are just handicapped in PvP. On the alliance, Mage > Warlock easily.

I feel like Warlocks are stronger against average (ie. shit) players because bad PvPers tend to aimlessly trade shots for the most part and then a Soul Link warlock appears and wins. However Soul Link is dispellable and in the case of the Rogue, he could probably kill your pet while you are sapped and remove Soul Link that way.

Enhancement Shamans are also mostly good against bad PvPers because they have no charge type ability to close into melee, so a competent player can frequently kite and CC them around without the Enh Shaman managing to enter melee range.

Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:06 am
by Noselacri
Alliance warlocks also have to face shamans, a class that counters both Fear and Soul Link, the warlock's two main defenses. It's a pretty big problem. I genuinely would not recommend rolling an alliance warlock to anyone except those who are completely certain that they'll never do any PvP. For me, even with minimal interest in PvP, the severe disadvantage of alliance warlocks makes me opt to play horde just in case I want to do serious PvP some day. I don't want to end up regretting my choice somewhere down the line.

Warlock is pretty strong, though it doesn't have the broken burst of classes like mage, warrior and shaman. This means you have to make an effort in every fight. You generally can't one-shot people or blow a bunch of cooldowns to make a fight one-sided. It's more like a high baseline level of power that doesn't fluctuate a lot. Warlocks also lack any sort of movement ability and has nothing like Ice Block, so you'll be vulnerable to melees if you can't get Fear to stick. This is particularly why alliance warlocks have a hard time as virtually every horde melee who's serious about PvP is undead which totally hardcounters warlock.

Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:41 am
by vathdaar
In other words: if you re shit at pvp dont roll alliance since your 2 working braincells will not be enough to fear twice instead of once to undead targets and you wont be able to fear a shaman without destroying his tremor totem. #LOGIC.

On the other hand if you re good at the game ( after 10 years) both sides have pros and cons, as an alliance warlock you re facing teams with only 1 dispeler ( priests ) so its much easier to control the other team, especially shamans which are a dummy target after you break their tremor/grounding, and they only rely on their priests to dispel dots, aka you make higher pressure.
As horde you re gona have a bad time if you play against good set ups of priest/paladins, especially when priests have fearward (dwarves), sinces both the palas and the priest will dispel the whole teaming from Fears and dots and both have trinket that remove FEAR.

Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:13 am
by Setup
If you know how to play them.


Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:18 am
by Setup
Noselacri wrote:Warlock is pretty strong, though it doesn't have the broken burst of classes like mage, warrior and shaman.




Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 11:45 am
by Aethelwulf
Just how are you obtaining that kind of damage?

Re: Are warlocks one of the best classes in pvp?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:03 pm
by Thefilth
Aethelwulf wrote:Just how are you obtaining that kind of damage?

Berserking, Flask of Supreme Power, Full AQ40/Naxx gear, Brilliant Wizard Oil, Elixir of Shadow Power, Greater Arcane Elixir and Power Infusion.