Orc or Human?

Orc or Human?

by Khaosclaire » Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:32 pm

Thinking of Rolling up a warlock on this private server that I heard about, and was wondering Orc or Human for race.

I already looked at the race, class, faction spread; So I know where I stand class wise, and know that if I go against the horde I have to deal with lots of rogues and undead.

While human has worse racial's they get to be sided the awe inspiring beast that is vanilla paladins. But being able to resist stunlocks is nice. Gah I wish dwarf could be warlock cause I'd use the crap outa stone form, but not an option so I have decided I shall poll you all.

Human or Orc, and why~

Re: Orc or Human?

by Noselacri » Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:17 pm

It's more a question of alliance or horde, and being an alliance warlock is pretty miserable because you have to play against WOTF. It's a huge disadvantage, and if you don't have a specific desire to play alliance, you shouldn't roll an alliance warlock. Horde is like 70% undead and you'll hate PvPing against them.

Re: Orc or Human?

by Numi » Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:02 pm

Noselacri wrote:It's more a question of alliance or horde, and being an alliance warlock is pretty miserable because you have to play against WOTF. It's a huge disadvantage, and if you don't have a specific desire to play alliance, you shouldn't roll an alliance warlock. Horde is like 70% undead and you'll hate PvPing against them.

My main warlock is Human, I'm doing perfectly fine in BG's, because the fear is dispelled anyway, yes, wotf, is an annoyance, but so is perception, which prevents enemy flag carriers from getting through, which basically always guarantees an upper hand in WSG.

Play what you want to play, work with what you like and make it useful, stop asking for the best on a forum, because there is no best.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Orc or Human?

by Aethelwulf » Tue Oct 06, 2015 1:46 pm

We have another thread on the subject of what is the best race. My analysis can be found here. For Warlocks, the benefit of PvPing with Paladins is outweighed by the cost of PvPing against WotF and Shamans who can do things like purge, Grounding Totem, and drop Tremor Totems which essentially pulses WotF in an AoE. You're better off playing Horde.

Numi, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop pushing this ignorance that race doesn't matter. People are already free to choose what they like without you deluding them into thinking one choice is as good as another.

Perception + Felhunter can be valuable, however. But it is a situational power and the question remains whether it is more valuable than playing Horde and obtaining perks such as stun resistance and not having to PvP against WotF or tremor totems.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Orc or Human?

by Numi » Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:54 am

Aethelwulf wrote:Numi, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop pushing this ignorance that race doesn't matter. People are already free to choose what they like without you deluding them into thinking one choice is as good as another.

Why is your opinion more valid than mine? I'm not able to find you on realmplayers, so could you tell me your name? Because from what you're saying, that paladins are useless, I take it that you've never played on the alliance side.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Orc or Human?

by Aethelwulf » Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:51 pm

Odd, because I already indicated in the thread above that I played an alliance warlock back in vanilla. I played a human back then too, for the shorter rep grinds mainly. It was outweighed by the disadvantage of world PvP vs undead rogues though.

And I didn't say paladins are useless, but that the benefit posed by a paladin on your side is outweighed by the cost of going up against horde (including shamans and their tremor totems). Incidentally, your endorsements of the utility of paladins are sooner a recommendation for playing a paladin than an alliance warlock, I hope you realize.

As for why my opinion is more valid than yours, no opinion is innately valid. What matters is the reasoning behind it. Your arguments generally consist of "Fear and seduce are overrated anyway," "I love paladins," and "Perception is really good that one time when you know a stealther is nearby before he unstealths." There was also "Will of the Forsaken isn't that crippling in 1v1 PvP provided your opponent does not have his PvP trinket."
Last edited by Aethelwulf on Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: Orc or Human?

by Noselacri » Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:03 pm

With the game being as old as it is, and everything being common knowledge, you can generally just look at demographics and glean the truth from them. Are there noticeably less warlocks on alliance? That's almost certainly because being an alliance warlock is just worse if you do any real PvPing.

Same thing for those delightful individuals insisting that paladins are great tanks or DPS. If so, why aren't they played more? Why don't the parsing tools show their supposedly valid performance? Because it isn't real. Individual opinions can vary, but in an environment where most people know the truth, their choices tend to reflect the truth. And fewer choose to play alliance warlocks on a PvP server. It's one of WoW's universal truths.

Re: Orc or Human?

by Numi » Thu Oct 08, 2015 3:38 pm

Noselacri wrote:With the game being as old as it is, and everything being common knowledge, you can generally just look at demographics and glean the truth from them. Are there noticeably less warlocks on alliance? That's almost certainly because being an alliance warlock is just worse if you do any real PvPing.

Same thing for those delightful individuals insisting that paladins are great tanks or DPS. If so, why aren't they played more? Why don't the parsing tools show their supposedly valid performance? Because it isn't real. Individual opinions can vary, but in an environment where most people know the truth, their choices tend to reflect the truth. And fewer choose to play alliance warlocks on a PvP server. It's one of WoW's universal truths.

Or it's because the Alliance side is much much less focused on PvP than the Horde side and warlocks are generally only really strong in PvP, where as in PvE they're not even the best DPS casters.

But you know, that doesn't fit with your view, so ignore my comment here.
Senior Sergeant
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