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Last part of Doomguard quest bugged?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:09 am
by Lighthammer
I'm trying to do the last part of the Doomguard quest and it doesn't seem to work. The voidwalker immediately loses aggro when I start channeling and even if I succeed the channeling the Doomguard just keeps attacking me without dropping the item.

Edit: It worked on the third successful attempt. He immediately aggros you though, not sure if that's supposed to happen. The comments say the void should tank him. I even tried enslaving another Commander and using it to tank, but to no avail. If anyone wants to try it I recommend equipping a buttload of stamina gear and sacc the void, preferably as demonology spec.

Re: Last part of Doomguard quest bugged?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 1:20 am
by Yeaok
i had the same issues, he would often stun my ass too before i could finish the channel. what i ended up doing was waiting for him to stun my VW, then started the channel and sac the void. he usually wastes time casting rain of fire before coming over to get some hits. clearing out kazzak's spawn and doing it there was real smooth