by Larsen » Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:03 pm
After 40, drain-tanking with Dark Pact is my preferred leveling spec. In most quests, you're looking for certain mobs more than you're fighting multiple mobs at once, so there's not much reason to go with Voidwalker tanking. It can't hold aggro if you do more than apply dots, anyway. That's only useful if you're fighting 2-3 mobs at once and you just aren't usually doing that unless you grind mobs for exp instead of questing.
With a Dark Pact drain spec, you have literally no downtime and you kill faster than dot+wand does. You can still keep a second mob feared+dotted if you really want to, there's just usually no reason to. You CoA+Corruption a mob and then just drain it dead. Use Life Tap instead of Dark Pact if you're gonna Drain Life right afterwards so the healing isn't wasted. Use Dark Pact anytime your pet is at full mana to avoid wasting its regen.
You can use either imp on passive or succubus with no skills on autocast. The imp's mana regen is a lot higher but the succubus' auto attack damage adds to kill speed. It's generally best to use imp if that lets you grind without downtime and succubus only if you still have no downtime with that.