Hi guys,
Despite having played vanilla back in the day with 3 characters, I have virtually no experience of how a Warlock really works. As such I have created a little low level one, and am very much enjoying this fun and complicated class. I have some questions for the wise hive-mind of the Warlock subforums. Please bear in mind I am only in my late 20s, character-wise.
1 - I'm struggling to understand the point of Immolate at this level, in PVP. With the two second casting time, and the low damage, is there an instance in which I would want to cast this rather than searing pain? When I am likely to be drain-tanking an enemy?
2 - Does anyone know of a macro command to toggle the autocast abiitiy of pets on and off? For example, I have pet attack bound to a key, but I don't want to keep right clicking the skill on the pet bar to turn the autocast on and off.
3 - That's it! Think of these questions as a two-pronged trident. A bi-dent, if you will.