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An imps request - Bugged for some reason?
Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:05 pm
by Toshu17
Hello, fellow Warlocks
I have recently turned in the first part of this quest requiring a piece of Felcloth (Quest name is: Hot and Itchy)
After I gave him the Felcloth he did not offer the follow up quest "The Wrong Stuff."
Am I doing anything wrong? Any words would be helpful. I also opened up a GM ticket as well.
Re: An imps request - Bugged for some reason?
Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:38 pm
by Botmaster5
the quest line to get your soul harvester is not implemented until patch 1.8
Re: An imps request - Bugged for some reason?
Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:00 pm
by Toshu17
Much appreciated. Will I still have the option to continue the quest line when 1.8 launches?
Re: An imps request - Bugged for some reason?
Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:45 am
by Drain
The ST quests are confusing because they put in part of the chain, misleading you into believing you can get your items, but the ending is not there, meaning you can't.
This should be the list?
ST Quests 1.7: Hunter+Rogue+Mage+Priest
ST Quests 1.8: Warrior+Warlock+Paladin+Shaman
They also planned to give every class an epic quest at 60, but only 4 of them ever got one. Paladin/Warlock have one to get unique epic mounts. Priest/Hunter have one for unique weapons(staff and staff+bow, respectfully). None of the other classes got theirs before Blizzard moved on to BC. Warriors kind of have one with the Quel sword, but Paladins can get it too.