Debuff addon window?

Debuff addon window?

by Botmaster5 » Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:42 pm

In the ever increasing effort to increase DPS, I am in search of an addon that will prompt me when a list of debuff shave been applied to a target. Mainly ISB, but i would also want to know if a target is missing debuffs (Shdoweaving, CoE, CoS). Or something that will enlarge specific debuffs to make them out easier.

Necrosis just doesnt work smooth enough to warn for ISB, and now gets confused with shadoweaving as 'shadow vulnerable'

In a perfect world, it would be a small, movable window with a list of specific, specified debuffs that would show. Can VCB do that?
Last edited by Botmaster5 on Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
<Titans of War> Xashe
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Re: Debuff addon window?

by Darkwinjax » Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:25 pm

MPOWA might allow you to get what you want.
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Re: Debuff addon window?

by Botmaster5 » Tue Dec 08, 2015 11:57 pm

Darkwinjax wrote:MPOWA might allow you to get what you want.

that's for debuffs on me, im looking for something that can track and display certain debuffs on my target
<Titans of War> Xashe
"Behold those who have power, and who are not afraid to wield it. Behold... the warlocks!" - Gul'dan
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Re: Debuff addon window?

by Sayaz » Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:04 am

Man, the contrast between the gear and the staff is almost depressing.

Re: Debuff addon window?

by Botmaster5 » Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:11 am

so for the most part i got modified power auras to work except for ISB and shadow weaving... since both debuffs are called "Shadow Vulnerability"...

Sayaz wrote:Man, the contrast between the gear and the staff is almost depressing.

yeah, thats right after i had my pimpin bloodvine gear made, no need to be jealous
<Titans of War> Xashe
"Behold those who have power, and who are not afraid to wield it. Behold... the warlocks!" - Gul'dan
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Re: Debuff addon window?

by Darkwinjax » Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:33 pm

Botmaster5 wrote:so for the most part i got modified power auras to work except for ISB and shadow weaving... since both debuffs are called "Shadow Vulnerability"...

Sayaz wrote:Man, the contrast between the gear and the staff is almost depressing.

yeah, thats right after i had my pimpin bloodvine gear made, no need to be jealous

Spell Timer v1.12 allows you to keep track of ISB on the target, I'm not sure if the addon allows you to add in Shadow Weaving since it's not a class spell, but I'm 100% sure it keeps track of ISB.

Look @ the banish icon with the timer on the right side of the enemy frame, the addons keeps track of all your debuffs (INCLUDING ISB) in the same manner, you can move arround and set it where you want, I cannot log in right now so I'm not sure if there's a way to keep track of spells outside of your casts (Shadow Weaving) but If you tweek arround a little you might figure something out. Not sure if this is what you asked for.
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Re: Debuff addon window?

by Sayaz » Wed Dec 09, 2015 8:03 pm

Mind giving me a dl link Darkwinjax?

I've tried searching for Spelltimer but I could never find it, apparently you could've downloaded it from, but that doesn't appear to be the case anymore.

Re: Debuff addon window?

by Youfie » Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:55 am

Sayaz wrote:Mind giving me a dl link Darkwinjax?

I've tried searching for Spelltimer but I could never find it, apparently you could've downloaded it from, but that doesn't appear to be the case anymore.

You could do it with a macro. You would just press it and it would check if the target has CoS / Shadow Weaving / ISB / Nightfall or whatever, based on the debuffs icons.

Not convenient to use a macro, but depending on what you want exactly, it might be enough. It has the huge advantage of non relying on the Combat Log, like custom SCT or MSBT events do (I guess you already thought of those).
Otherwise, I'm pretty sure it would be easy to code for an AddOn developer, like as if the macro was constantly checking the rebuffs and displaying it in a separate window or whatever.
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Re: Debuff addon window?

by Setup » Thu Dec 10, 2015 2:08 pm

For missing debuffs, use Snelf's Smart Debuff Checker.

/sdc to see what's missing on the boss. ... fCheck.rar

For ISB, don't worry about it. In most circumstances, the debuff will be eaten up before you have time to react to it.
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