by Drain » Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:36 am
Undead is the hands down better choice here. Almost all of the racials are useful, technically all if you're too lazy to cast breath. Orc however has weapon skill on a spell caster... and you can't even use the weapon type. Then there's melee attack power... with a healing debuff. Is anyone stupid enough to think these are useful? The pet bonus barely does anything on Warlock in Classic either. You need a Felguard for it to mean anything. All you really get is the stun resist, which as I explained in a Rogue thread, isn't dependable and not worth taking over a guaranteed fear removal. With stun resist, 75% of the time, you still eat the stun. With Will of the Forsaken, 100% of the time, you remove the fear. Undead also has Cannibalize. Eating corpses is useful when you have Life Tap. Tap tap tap eat corpse... Shadow Resist isn't bad either. Not only can you resist fears with it, but you take less damage from all of the nastiest dots.
Taking Orc over Undead means dropping reliable racials with guaranteed effects for a single racial that does nothing the majority of the time. Don't try to tell me your +5% Imp or Succubus damage is ever going to mean anything. Warlocks don't even damage with their pets in dungeons or raids, not unless you want it to instantly die. You either just eat the pet for a buff or have the Imp sit in Phase Shift so it doesn't die. Shadow resist more useful and on boss fights that fear the raid, so is Will of the Forsaken.
Last edited by
Drain on Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.