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Low Dps

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 12:36 am
by Argeno
So i know i am probably doing something wrong, cuz warlocks are and awesome class but everytime i go into dungeon or into group i end up with the lowest dps (higher than a tank tho). It's really strange i am level 44 atm and i saw some locks top dps meters in group while no matter how hard i try i always stay at bottom.

I use Cor-COA-Shadowbolts, if there is multiple mobs than i dot most of them than spam Shadobolts, and on bosses i add Immolate for additional dps. Any help what i might be doing wrong ? Cheers

Re: Low Dps

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:57 am
by Nikoru
Don't worry too much about your DPS in low level dungeons. What you specs, how your gear looks like and that skills you have purchased can vary a lot.

The best levelling speccs will mean you suck balls DPS wise as they go for manaefficiency more than raw DPS.

Level up to 60 and should you have problems still I'd recommend messaging a couple warlocks for advise such as Cousy from <Exiled> (US player + alliance) or Koruu (EU player and alliance as well).
I'd recommend to not ask for such in forums but in game via whispers.


Re: Low Dps

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:50 pm
by sownu
You will not really be top dps in low level dungeons for sure, but its not that bad.

At 40+ level you can easily have 150-200 shadow damage from gear (shadoweave + dreamweave + random sp items)

With that kind of gear, sm + nightfall, and smart use of dots (never dot if targets die fast, always corr + coa if it lasts) and shadowbolt/lifetap spam, only rogues and good mages should be able to out damage you.