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Improve this spec for PvP and farming Maraudon

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 5:05 pm
by Hyorin
I'm on the PvE server (horde), i'm mostly in blues and some greens so i haven't been able to kill Rotgrip as SM/ruin, and I hate that spec for PvP, I miss the extra stam and i rarely cast shadowbolts in WSG so all those points in destro tree are useless.

So my priority is:
1- Mauradon (I'm broke)
2- PvP (WSG only, AB is never up)
3- MC/Onyx pugging

How's this spec?

I'm not sure if 2 points in Fel Concentration is worth it? I don't really like improved drain soul at lvl 60 so i don't want that.

As for the points in demo, I'm not sure if fel intellect is useful much? Would 'improved health funnel' help for Rotgrip?

Re: Improve this spec for PvP and farming Maraudon

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:15 am
by Botmaster5
This is my current raid spec, and i farm mara all the time ... 0oZex0tM0z

rotations are a little different, but it is actually faster as DS/Ruin

Re: Improve this spec for PvP and farming Maraudon

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:32 am
by Codeine
How is it faster as Ds/ruin? I dont seem to see any benefits from that spec that will increase your clears. I've watched your video and its inferior to my sm/ruin clear in 8mins.

You use your VW alot, its not needed except for the croc boss. Drain life tanking the gobo is the easiest thing. Plus you get nightfall procs on top of that. There's no way ds/ruin is faster.

This is my spec for all things pvp/pve/mara/ general farming.

gobo boss: full dots put imp on fireball mode and drain life tank life tapping if needed.

Princess: imp on fireball mode to help soak the knock down, curse of doom and full dots. run around in a circle using nightfall as they come. When she does that aoe reapply immolate, sometimes you can get in a few extra shadow bolts on her during this time. Try get shadow invulnerable debuff for your curse of doom tick.

Croc: have your VW out, pull with curse of doom and swim away let the croc hit you twice than put ur vw on it and use the AOE taunt aswell as regular taunt, swim max range and apply all dots, and spam shadow bolt. You will pull aggro eventually than drain life and keep your dots up. sac void if needed usually its not depends on your gear, use deathcoil etc for heal and to apply dots. curse of doom will kill it 9/10. If curse of doom resists prepare for an epic battle.

Haven't cleared it in a while on my warlock but I used this strat before bwl/zg patch and had no issues. Prob could get it down to 6mins clear with the gear i have now, the longest time is actually getting to the bosses than killing them.

Oh, and for those snakes/worms before the gobo boss, the one on the far right if its level 46 you can pass easily, if its 47 or 48 you have a pretty good chance of pulling that pack. My method is to dot each one with siphon life as i run away then i just hellfire them. I have 4.4k hp and 554 spell dmg tho so depends on gear you might have to use healthstone/death coil and keep hellfiring. not having intensity makes this strat alot harder since you will be low on mana/health.

My previous strat for this was send VW in and taunt each snake once, then hellfire and sac void when they all target me.

Re: Improve this spec for PvP and farming Maraudon

PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 1:58 am
by Lifealert
If you're really gonna go hard then probably DS ruin would be fine just in case you run into trouble and your gear isn't that great. I do fine with SM Ruin

Re: Improve this spec for PvP and farming Maraudon

PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:13 pm
by Ravni
Just some tips as SM Ruin; im pretty geared but this should work at all gear levels.

Start: equip skull of impending doom and use it near the start. You should be able to get to the far right corner with the last pack of lizards (4th pack) before the snakes, prior to the earth elemental patrol. Summon your imp there as you wait for the pat to pass. This will save you about 30 seconds compared to waiting for it to pass at the rocks between the 2nd/3rd packs of lizards.

Snake pack: if the one on the right is 46, you can just hug the wall and pass by. If it's 47 you can still get by but you have to wait for it to move a little to the left and then jump up into the wall as you make it by. Takes a bit of getting used to. Try to wait until the snake is sort of in between the two patches of moss on the ground. If its 48 you gotta fight them; I just pull from range and immediately howl of terror, then CoA + siphon life on each one as I run down to the goblin.

I'd recommend having cloak device equipped until you get the hang of it if you are an engineer.

Goblin: don't just stand there and fight him, kite him back up the ramps. Start with a trinket->shadowbolt, immolate, curse of doom, siphon life, corruption, then start running up; don't attack with the pet. He is pretty trivial to kite as he stops to cast frequently. He should be dead about a minute later when doom goes off at the top of the ramp just before the snakes, so you've saved yourself maybe 45 seconds or so compared to fighting him at the bottom and then running back up and you'll also take very little damage this way. Don't worry, the boss won't agro any of the packs.

Princess: follow the strat given above to circle kite her around. One extra tip: feel free to drain life her while she is farting. You can usually dodge the rock-counterspell, and even if you don't it's no big deal. I finish the fight at near-full health & mana usually, and it makes the fight faster. This one is usually over in about 70 seconds from pull for me.

Rotgrip: I don't use doom on him. I just send the VW in (black book if you got), corruption & siphon life, then wand for ~20 seconds until your VW is down to about 1.5k health. Full dots at max range, then start shadowbolting. You should be able to pull rotgrip off with the first shadowbolt, and get in two more before he closes range. Then deathcoil and continue nuking. He's usually dead by this point for me, but you might need to sac your VW if your not as geared. He's usually dead in about 40 seconds for me this way.

So far my fastest clear is just over 7 minutes this way and never eat/drink. Sometimes I'll just bandage after princess if rng was bad and she hits me a bunch. You could probably speed it up by a minute more with the zanza speed elixir since most of the time is just spent running.