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To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:53 am
by Xasthur

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:45 am
by Drain
You don't have to deal with Cleanse.

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:07 pm
by Aethelwulf
They do have to deal with Tremor Totem though.

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:45 pm
by Lifealert
Grounding totem and dispel magic are objectively worse for warlocks than cleanse fyi.

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 4:30 am
by Drain
You can tell who the bads are because they have no idea how much easier life is on the Alliance. Tremor Totem vs Cleanse? That's a laugh.

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 4:50 am
by Darkwinjax
inhability to rely on fear because of WotF >>> Playing vs Cleanse.

BoP and BoF are just insane though, the ability for a paladin to stay uncced in a 2vX scenario if enemy has no offensive dispel and vs mongoloids who don't know how BoS works.

I'd say in a real premade vs premade scenario you get abit more tools to work with if you play alliance, but then again Horde side also has their advantages, just that shamans bring a different playstyle than paladins when it comes to prem vs prem engagements.

world pvp and solo play is hands down horde favored, facing undead bugged shadow resistance RNG BulLSHIT is insanely frustating, orcs resist alot of grenades and the fact that 3/4 of your oponents have a free 5 sec pvp trinket vs Fear effects just raises the skill cap of the class by a ton more playing on alliance side, also being in synergy and KNOWING when to ask for the paladin blessings (the paladin should be aware but it's your job to know when you can make the most advantage out of each situation, pretty much like a warrior warning before popping Reck) is alot more fun and engaging playstyle than playing the usual Ele shaman burst tactic imo.

No reason to cry about race, enjoy game.

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:14 am
by Lifealert
Drain wrote:You can tell who the bads are because they have no idea how much easier life is on the Alliance. Tremor Totem vs Cleanse? That's a laugh.

And horde get windfury, grounding, tremor, extra stun resist, wotf, ele shams. What is your obsession with cleanse when dispel magic is worse for us as warlocks than cleanse? I get two dots removed in one global. We don't have poisons or diseases so I believe your point is reatively moot, especially when I see horde premades stack 4 priests.

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:33 am
by Drain
Priests are easier to deal with than Paladins. No plate. No shield. No "lawl you can't hurt me bubble", and dispels of your own strip them down to nothing. Horde Priests don't even get Desperate Prayer or Fear Ward here. Cleanse btw costs next to nothing to cast. Dispel Magic spamming can quickly run a Priest dry. Horde teams bring more Priests simply because they don't have Paladins... Raiding has the same result. Horde raids depend much more upon Priests than Alliance. Shamans cannot remove magic debuffs...

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:43 pm
by Marmotmaster
My opinion based on experience:
I'd take the gnome racial over undead any day as a warlock, mainly because warlocks already have an edge against spell casting targets, fel hunter is OP .. 8 second spell lock . warlocks have heavy weakness against warriors/(enh)shaman/rogue, I'd take curse of exhaustion - gnome racial kite anyyyy dayyy being that warriors and rogues infest pvp like i have never seen in my life.
1 minute cooldown

the ratio of rogues/warriors vs warlocks that i fight in pvp is probably 10/1

felhunter can eat charm / fear off the master if you cast it quick before you are afflicted with another dot. even poly.. man you can take it off a friend too rofl.
+you get paranoia

Another perk of alliance is the HQ warlock population is loww which means you are high demand in raiding guilds if you wanna go get yourself some gear..

Yeah i love my warlock, to be a little gnome and murk a warrior from a pre-made is a feel like no other and leaves them salty as the sea.

Re: To all fellow alliance warlocks out there

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:28 pm
by sownu
Marmotmaster wrote:My opinion based on experience:
I'd take the gnome racial over undead any day as a warlock, mainly because warlocks already have an edge against spell casting targets, fel hunter is OP .. 8 second spell lock . warlocks have heavy weakness against warriors/(enh)shaman/rogue, I'd take curse of exhaustion - gnome racial kite anyyyy dayyy being that warriors and rogues infest pvp like i have never seen in my life.
1 minute cooldown

the ratio of rogues/warriors vs warlocks that i fight in pvp is probably 10/1

felhunter can eat charm / fear off the master if you cast it quick before you are afflicted with another dot. even poly.. man you can take it off a friend too rofl.
+you get paranoia

Another perk of alliance is the HQ warlock population is loww which means you are high demand in raiding guilds if you wanna go get yourself some gear..

Yeah i love my warlock, to be a little gnome and murk a warrior from a pre-made is a feel like no other and leaves them salty as the sea.

I dont feel that way. No sane priest or lock will use fear when you are not debuffed so dispells are hard.

Duel vs another warlock? Fuck you.
Duel vs priest? Double fuck you. He breaks your fear and you cant break his.
Duel vs mage? Fucking mages can break all 3 of your fears now.

I'd take escape artist aswell if it didnt mean i have to fight against undead.

I feel fine in ally bg's, or with paladin at my side, thats no issue, but in world pvp or 1v1 you can REALLY feel the disadvantages of being alliance.