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Are warlock pets bugged?
Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:53 pm
by Suecotero
So yeah I went orc lock because I want my pet to do as much work as possible and also orc locks look evil as hell. Went full demo and checked my succubus physical damage: 23 dps. Same as the VW.
So... are warlock pets bugged and did I level this char to lvl 30 for nothing?
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:44 am
by Lifealert
Suecotero wrote:also orc locks look evil as hell.
he didn't do it for the stun resist but so he could roleplay as guldan.
I've noticed no problems with warlock pet damage at 60.
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:13 am
by Suecotero
You underestimate the power of looking cool in making you stick with a character. If I wanted to min/max I'd go UD for WOTF, but those days are long behind me.
More to the point, lock pets are supposed to have different physical DPS, with succ being the highest. In-game both WV and succ do the same autoattack damage, so I'm asking if someone who knows more about the server has noticed if it's officially known as a bug. It'd swing the scales more into SM/ruin than DM/ruin.
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:17 am
by Numi
Warlock pet damage is and always will be increadibly low in vanilla, they don't scale with gear at all (as far as I know), meaning that when you're in t3 your pet does the exact same damage as a fresh level 60s.
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:36 pm
by Lifealert
Suecotero wrote:You underestimate the power of looking cool in making you stick with a character. If I wanted to min/max I'd go UD for WOTF, but those days are long behind me.
More to the point, lock pets are supposed to have different physical DPS, with succ being the highest. In-game both WV and succ do the same autoattack damage, so I'm asking if someone who knows more about the server has noticed if it's officially known as a bug. It'd swing the scales more into SM/ruin than DM/ruin.
The argument was already made that orc is potentially better due to stun resist, and we already have felhunter dispel and trinket that breaks fears.
Pet damage isn't really a big deal because their purpose is utility and not damage. Especially when you're leveling because all you use is voidwalker. If you really want to see some pet damage get the black book and go improved imp spec with improved firebolt.
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:08 am
by Drain
I explained before in some other thread but Orc is just a weak choice for Warlock here. Blood Fury is junk until it gets SP on it(not in Classic), and the pet bonus is worthless without a Felguard to apply it to(also not in Classic). So in Classic, Orc has the shaft as a spell caster. Stun resist, which over rate for some reason, is in reality a 25% gamble, meaning that 75% of the time, you have no racials at all. Most likely, it'll proc when there's no benefit to it, such as when being ganged or at low HP when you'll die anyway. Other racials are reliable. They can be fired on command and work 100%, no gamble to it. Orcs shine more here for Warriors/Rogues, who can use the AP, and Hunters, who have a decent pet for the bonus to apply. Warriors/Hunters can also use axes. A Warlock cannot(and even if he could, he wouldn't swing it).
I should point out that if you don't like being stunned by Rogues, you could have just went with Perception, which is a hell of lot more effective vs Rogues. You could easily fire this upon entering any flag room/bunker/etc, see the Rogue a mile away, then tag him with an instant cast dot, which not only stops Cheap Shot, fucking his entire rotation, but also preventing Vanish for restealth. It's this vs running into that flag room and hoping your 25% resist will bless you today with its presence. There's no contest here.
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:02 pm
by Ravni
25% stun resist sucks guys, you heard it here first! Every time a warrior intercept misses with coex up and I'm out of hamstring range before the gcd I just curse my poor racial choice. For real though, wish I had escape artist! No idea why so many alliance locks go human. Gnome > all.
Iron grenade (3 seconds, aoe, non-dispellable)
Goblin Mortar trinket (3s, aoe, non-dispellable)
Tidal charm (3s, non-dispellable?)
War stomp (2s, aoe, non-dispellable; horde but I mean the point still stands)
Charge (1s, non-dispellable)
Intercept (3s, non-dispellable)
Warrior mace stun proc (3s, non-dispellable, no diminishing returns)
Bash (5s, non-dispellable)
Pounce (3s, non-dispellable)
Cheap Shot (4s, non-dispellable)
Kidney Shot (6s, non-dispellable)
Rogue mace stun proc (3s, non-dispellable, no dr)
Improved concussion shot (3s, non-dispellable, no dr)
Intimidation (3s, non-dispellable)
Impact proc (2s, non-dispellable, no dr)
Blackout proc (3s, non-dispellable, no dr)
Inferno (2s, huuuge aoe, non-dispellable)
Intensity proc (3s, non-dispellable)
Hammer of Justice (6s, DISPELLABLE!! fuck you paladins)
Whew, did I miss any? Not even counting the rare stuff like concussion blow, imp starfall proc (lol), or weapon procs like on the unstoppable force.
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:30 pm
by Lifealert
B b but my reputation bonus...
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:59 pm
by Numi
Lifealert wrote:If you really want to see some pet damage get the black book and go improved imp spec with improved firebolt.
It makes pet damage an extra dot, that's all, sadly it's not a viable trinket nor spec to play, as it's far to gimmiky.
My imp can kill someone in full PvE gear, but even the slightest hint of stamina on gear means the imp will go oom before he does enough damage.
Ofc it's still extra "free" damage, so it might be more usefull in world PvP scenarios, but even then I can't imagine replacing a succubus or felhunter with it.
It does make your void pretty darn tanky though.
Re: Are warlock pets bugged?
Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:02 pm
by Numi
Lifealert wrote:B b but my reputation bonus...
I'll argue the fact that human warlock is totally viable, because who in their right state of mind wants to play a gnome?!
For real though, gnome is the superior choice, but not by enough to make me want to play one rather than human.