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Summoning bugging out sometimes.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:31 am
by Codeine
What are the variables that cause summoning people to have no affect? I main a warlock and when i've been summoned and asked if I got the summon, nothing has popped up, sometimes resulting in summoning someone upto 3 times before it works. Even clicking yes to accept the summon occasionally nothing happens.

I've been with other warlocks before a raid summoning slow/late people and they say they have someone selected but when I target them and look at their target of target its not the correct person. Same has happened to me. WTF is going on, is luna bugged or just the server?

Gets kinda of annoying when 10 people are slow/late/ganked that needs summons and end up using 20 shards because half the time it doesn't work.

Re: Summoning bugging out sometimes.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:03 pm
by Soulxlock
Do not switch your targets during/after summon, not until the summoning process is completed and the summoned person is standing next to you. Only then go on and summon the next person.

Re: Summoning bugging out sometimes.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:32 pm
by Guybrush
Soulxlock wrote:Do not switch your targets during/after summon, not until the summoning process is completed and the summoned person is standing next to you. Only then go on and summon the next person.

You can switch target as soon as the runes spinning around your feet disappear.

Re: Summoning bugging out sometimes.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:41 am
by Codeine
I never switch targets while summoning, even waiting a little extra after the summoning circle has faded to make sure.

still bugs and half the summons never work.