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Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:43 pm
by Codeine
Anyone else notice the warlock r10 2 piece set bonus with helm and shoulders doesn't actually accumulate until you relog?

It's been like this for me since i've acquired these items, just want to see if anyone else has experienced this before I make a bug report.

I tested it to make sure it wasn't just a UI bug, but changing gear and then relogging produced high damage on my dots, so it isn't applied until you relog.

Unequipping and reequipping both items doesn't even fix it, has to be a relog.

Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:14 pm
by Botmaster5
its a known issue with all the pvp pieces

Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:37 pm
by Codeine
Anyway other way then logging out/in to fix it?

Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:40 pm
by Guybrush
Never had this problem. Tested it right now and I'm getting the 23 sp set bonus right after equipping, no log out necessary.

The only problem I had with pvp sets was when stacking both set bonus from the old and new pvp gear. You need to reequip everything after dying or you'll only get one of the bonus.

Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:51 am
by Codeine
How are you testing to make sure your 23 sp bonus is added, because addons like casterstats shows you with the 23 sp but its not counting.

The only reliable way from telling with the UI is to mouse over the wand section and it shows your spell damage. Have to be using a shadow damage wand to show accurately. The other accurate way of telling is to dot mobs after swapping around gear.

Both my pvp and pve set include the r10 helm & shoulders.

this is my damage after a relog

this my damage after changing gear to pvp set and back to pve

Once you've changed set pieces and have the missing 23sp it wont add until a relog, no matter how many times you change gear.

pvp set including r10 shoulders/helm after the swap to pve gear.

Relogging with pvp gear on

Changing back to pve gear restarts the cycle. After a relog just simply unequiping a r10 piece and reqeuiping causes the set bonus to vanish.

Either way its an annoying issue and i can't wait to get rid of these fucking r10 pieces. Makes me wonder what other set bonuses aren't working, Does bv set work, what about the ring set from ZG?

Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:56 pm
by Guybrush
Those values in the tooltip are from an addon, its probably the addon that's bugged and the relog fixes it.

I'm testing by using corruption on a random mob.
Helm + Shoulders + Set bonus = 92 sp.
(666 + 92) / 6 = 126
Exactly what the mob was hit for.

CasterStats doesn't seem to have that bug, use that to check them instead of whatever addon is changing the weapon tooltip.

Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:00 pm
by Codeine
Might only be an issue with Horde r10 gear then. That value that im checking for spell damage, is the only field that is correctly showing it. Casterstats shows the full set bonus being applied, when it isn't. :S

I've checked it on mobs, and its correct. Once i relog and redot a mob the corruption is ticking higher.

Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:14 pm
by Lifealert
Unequip your gear and requip it with an addon and the problem will fix itself

Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:42 pm
by Darkwinjax
2016 still not using itemrack


Re: Warlock 2 piece R10 set bonus bugged.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:15 am
by Codeine
I'm using outfitter. itemrack is inferior. And thanks, going nude and changing fixes it.