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Farming on a fresh 60
Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:22 am
by Elu
I dinged 60 yesterday, so my gear is horribly bad. However, a lot of the pre-raid BiS gear is crafted/BoE, but I can't really find any decent way to farm money with my horrible gear since it seems like Maraudon requires a bit better.
I'm specced DS/Ruin and I've got 195 shadow damage, 3% hit, 2.7k hp and 3.5k mana. Any ideas where I can farm that isn't insanely overcrowded and gives at least 25g/h? I don't have any professions at all (yet), but I guess I could pick up 2 gathering professions for now if that's the only way.
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:42 pm
by Darkwinjax
Elu wrote:I dinged 60 yesterday, so my gear is horribly bad. However, a lot of the pre-raid BiS gear is crafted/BoE, but I can't really find any decent way to farm money with my horrible gear since it seems like Maraudon requires a bit better.
I'm specced DS/Ruin and I've got 195 shadow damage, 3% hit, 2.7k hp and 3.5k mana. Any ideas where I can farm that isn't insanely overcrowded and gives at least 25g/h? I don't have any professions at all (yet), but I guess I could pick up 2 gathering professions for now if that's the only way.
DM:E can be done with 3.7k hp which shouldn't really be hard to get in DS / ruin spec, once u can do DM:E without dying u can try maraudon, both are 50g per hour or so
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:53 pm
by XxGokuxX
If you take an hour out of your day to buy/sell on the AH you can make plenty of gold. I had enough to buy my epic mount the day I turned 60.
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Sun Mar 06, 2016 1:18 pm
by Codeine
Just spec imp drain life and fel concentration and go into mara and just kill the gobo and prinecss till you get a foot hold on some gold. I farmed those two bosses for a while in shadoweave/felcloth gear when the server was fresh.
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Sun Mar 06, 2016 5:44 pm
by Keycan
Could someone tell me how to kill thornhoof in DME without getting fucked by rng aka the sacrefice?
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:09 am
by Elu
To follow-up on this: I respecced SM/Ruin (because I wanted to PvP) and I was able to start farming Maraudon without any problems once I reached ~240 sp and 2% crit. Gizlock and Princess can be done naked, it's only Rotgrip that might cause some problems if you're in bad gear.
This has been said in other threads, but I'll repeat it: The main thing on Rot is that you want to max your damage while letting your VW keep aggro, and once your VW reaches low hp, fully DoT Rot and start pumping shadow bolts, sacrifice as soon as he's in melee range to you. You should always try to pump shadow bolts while you're not getting cast push-backs, and try to only use instants when you're not. As soon as the shield goes down, life tap so you have a bit of mana, then death coil and keep pumping bolts. If he's not dead by then, healthstone and pray to god you'll kill him before he kills you.
The worse gear you have, the closer to perfection you have to do it.
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:48 pm
by chookchan
Darkwinjax wrote:DM:E can be done with 3.7k hp which shouldn't really be hard to get in DS / ruin spec, once u can do DM:E without dying u can try maraudon, both are 50g per hour or so
Is that 50g an hour just from selling BoP boss loot?
What other stuff drops? Greys / BoEs?
I'm about to hit 60 soon and have my eyes on that grand prize of the dreadsteed!
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:47 pm
by Naili
is it easy to solo the quest for the mara scepter?
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:17 pm
by Elu
chookchan wrote:Darkwinjax wrote:DM:E can be done with 3.7k hp which shouldn't really be hard to get in DS / ruin spec, once u can do DM:E without dying u can try maraudon, both are 50g per hour or so
Is that 50g an hour just from selling BoP boss loot?
What other stuff drops? Greys / BoEs?
I'm about to hit 60 soon and have my eyes on that grand prize of the dreadsteed!
I can't speak about DM:E, because I've only farmed Maraudon, but when farming Maraudon you sell everything to the NPC (or you could disenchant some of the things). However, don't expect 50g/h on average from Maraudon, while it might be possible, that requires you to clear it 5 times/hour AND get some lucky BoEs that might sell decently.
Clearing Maraudon 5 times/hour and only selling boss loot gives you ~43g/h (expected worth for one run is 8,58g if the values on are correct), and this isn't too hard to do once you have OK gear.
Re: Farming on a fresh 60
Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:25 pm
by chookchan
Elu wrote:I can't speak about DM:E, because I've only farmed Maraudon, but when farming Maraudon you sell everything to the NPC (or you could disenchant some of the things). However, don't expect 50g/h on average from Maraudon, while it might be possible, that requires you to clear it 5 times/hour AND get some lucky BoEs that might sell decently.
Clearing Maraudon 5 times/hour and only selling boss loot gives you ~43g/h (expected worth for one run is 8,58g if the values on are correct), and this isn't too hard to do once you have OK gear.
Coolbeans thanks for that. Was looking for an alternative to herbing/farming during peak time as its almost impossible to find anything valuable that isn't grinded into oblivion.