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Now that i'm 60, how should I go about on getting gear?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 4:24 pm
by brownguykush
I want to PvP with my Undead Warlock. I built into affliction hoping that my dots and cc can buy me time to kill someone.

I really want to start upgrading my gear now. I went tailoring/enchanting for the tailoring robe.

How do I go about getting my PvP gear? From getting the 1st set, to the last set. I want to grind for it.
How do I do it?
And where do I get the gear from if I do get the requirements?

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this and gave me feedback.

Re: Now that i'm 60, how should I go about on getting gear?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:05 pm
by Darkwinjax
assuming you want to gear for pve:

get tailoring 300
get engineering 300
get bloodvine googles + bloodvine set
get pre-raid BiS
get 2x maiden circles
get +30 sp on either the lvl 50 quest 2h while you don't have AV exalted rep book
get honored in AB (takes one weekend of pugging) and buy the 14 Spd + 1% crit belt
^the above is enough to be raid ready

while you raid make you get:
exalted in AV - pre-raid BiS offhand
exalted in WSG - pre-raid BiS wrists
exalted in AB - pre-raid BiS MH
r10 for head / shoulder combo

Re: Now that i'm 60, how should I go about on getting gear?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:15 am
by Seraphimhalo
If you are strictly wanting to pvp I'd recommend 3 piece T1 spec into improved life steal, from there spec soul link and ensure to maximize health.

There are plenty of guides available, locks are quite powerful in any spec if played right.

Re: Now that i'm 60, how should I go about on getting gear?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 8:14 pm
by slverbaur
For pvp you want spell damage and stamina. Scholomance, UBRS and Stratholme has good gear for you if we're talking pre-raid.