Heya there, heres a couple specs you can take a look into:
-The imp mana battery
https://en.nostalrius.org/talents/warlo ... 0000000000This build is pretty awesome on the PvE realm. With this build you can continuously pull multiple mobs and never have to take a break. Becomes really powerful with the Shadoweave set in the level 40-46 range.
Fire shield yourself > Keep imp phase shifted > Siphon life / CoA / Corruption every mob > Dark pact > Drain life > Drain soul (rank 1) before a mob dies
At level 60 the build looks like:
https://en.nostalrius.org/talents/warlo ... 0000000000-Standard affliction
https://en.nostalrius.org/talents/warlo ... 0000000000This is a standard affliction leveling build. Spend the rest of the talents where you like.
I personally run this build until level 40, where I usually respec into either the build below or above.
Spend the remaining points where you like. Destruction for reduced immolate spell cast time is a good choice.
Keep Voidwalker out > DoT > Life tap > Shadowbolt/Drain life > Drain soul (rank 1)
-PvP safety build
https://en.nostalrius.org/talents/warlo ... 0000000000This is what i switched to as soon as I hit level 40. Considering how often you get ganked / attacked on the PvP realm this is in my opinion the spec you switch to at level 40 (I know the talents show level 52, but when you hit level 40 just respec into Soul Link and then get the affliction talents later).
Keep Voidwalker out > DoT > Life tap > Shadowbolt
In PvP just DoT them up, fear and drain life when possible. Pretty easy to 2v1 people with this build.
When you're in trouble use Void Sacrifice > Fel domination > Summon Voidwalker > Soul link and you'll have a huge damage shield (1.5-2k at level 40) with 30% damage reduction (40% physical reduction).