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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:53 pm
by Brotoonz
Both classes seem fun to me but i dont know which one should main. Making two toons seems like a lot of work so i would rather just have one. I want to do both pvp and pve so i dont know which one would be considered more desirable in those areas.

Re: Mage/Warlock

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:08 pm
by Botmaster5
Warlocks are fastest to 60, Mages can AoE grind
Warlocks are gods in PvP, Mages are 1 trick ponies
Warlocks can solo instances, Mages can farm trash
Warlocks are top DPS ranged class in Naxx, Mages are top now
Warlock is a pet class, Mages are not

both excel in different aspects of the game....

Re: Mage/Warlock

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:17 pm
by Dr. Doom
I think it's very similar. Conceptually the only real difference I see is that mage is a more proactive class, while warlock is a more reactive class. Mage gets a lot more mobility and faster cast zoning out mechanisms as well as a higher burst. The utility you bring to your teams in the form of food/water and portals is also more direct and visible.

As warlock you have less ways to initiate and generally you react to counter the opponent's move, your burst will be lower but dragging on fights will generally work in your favour as DoTs and tapping are your tools. In teams your utility, except for summoning, in the form of soulstone and healthstone is used when something went wrong or people need a little help to pull through or rez, quite good yet only seen when it goes wrong.

I'd personally favour warlock since I prefer to use timed tactics over as-fast-as-I-can mobility and burst.

Re: Mage/Warlock

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:40 pm
by splattermind
Honestly, I think it comes down to how you want to play. IMO it seems that warlocks are the most flexible in terms of how you like to cast whether you like dot'ing up a target or just blasting them down that's up to you. Mages, on the other hand, seem to be stuck to one play style and one mindset. Like I said, this is my opinion so take it with a grain of salt as you might see it differently than I do.

Re: Mage/Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:33 am
by Sonasol
Botmaster5 wrote:Warlocks are fastest to 60, Mages can AoE grind
Warlocks are gods in PvP, Mages are 1 trick ponies
Warlocks can solo instances, Mages can farm trash
Warlocks are top DPS ranged class in Naxx, Mages are top now
Warlock is a pet class, Mages are not

both excel in different aspects of the game....

warlocks are gods againts mages, mages are gods against all others
mages can kill instances trash, warlocks not even that
mages are top dps now, period
warlock is pet class sometimes, mage can sheep a warlock and have their own pet xd