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Human Warlock
Fri Nov 18, 2016 4:33 pm
by Yasko
I know this was discussed multiple times, but I'm thinking about maining this class and trying to find a good answer. Yes, I used the 'search function' before posting this, but I can't find a concrete answer.
So, here my question:"How big is the disadvantage for a Human Warlock in PvP (World, BG) compared to Horde Warlocks?".
There are so many opinons about this. Anyone with experience can help me out (Darkwinjax, Goth
Is it worth to start a Human Warlock with focus on PvP?
Re: Human Warlock
Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:02 pm
by Darkwinjax
Yasko wrote:I know this was discussed multiple times, but I'm thinking about maining this class and trying to find a good answer. Yes, I used the 'search function' before posting this, but I can't find a concrete answer.
So, here my question:"How big is the disadvantage for a Human Warlock in PvP (World, BG) compared to Horde Warlocks?".
There are so many opinons about this. Anyone with experience can help me out (Darkwinjax, Goth
Is it worth to start a Human Warlock with focus on PvP?
Gnome is better than human. I only went human cause of casting animations.
But escape artist is 100x better than perception (you can't see vanished rogues even with paranoia + perception + gogles), escape artist best racial for warlock (on par with 25% stun resist from orc, but if you running with LiPs and living action potions you don't need to rely on it), undead is better for world pvp and 1v1 because of no WotF but in BGs you'll have to play vs paladins and you won't have the support of BoPs and freedoms.
How big is the disavantage? If you go gnome you aren't at a disavantage because EA is actually on par with not facing WotF in wpvp, if you go human you are at a disavantage because there's literally nothing you get from it in a 1v1 scenario.
Re: Human Warlock
Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:02 pm
by Kasen
Re: Human Warlock
Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:43 pm
by Yasko
Darkwinjax wrote:Yasko wrote:I know this was discussed multiple times, but I'm thinking about maining this class and trying to find a good answer. Yes, I used the 'search function' before posting this, but I can't find a concrete answer.
So, here my question:"How big is the disadvantage for a Human Warlock in PvP (World, BG) compared to Horde Warlocks?".
There are so many opinons about this. Anyone with experience can help me out (Darkwinjax, Goth
Is it worth to start a Human Warlock with focus on PvP?
Gnome is better than human. I only went human cause of casting animations.
But escape artist is 100x better than perception (you can't see vanished rogues even with paranoia + perception + gogles), escape artist best racial for warlock (on par with 25% stun resist from orc, but if you running with LiPs and living action potions you don't need to rely on it), undead is better for world pvp and 1v1 because of no WotF but in BGs you'll have to play vs paladins and you won't have the support of BoPs and freedoms.
How big is the disavantage? If you go gnome you aren't at a disavantage because EA is actually on par with not facing WotF in wpvp, if you go human you are at a disavantage because there's literally nothing you get from it in a 1v1 scenario.
Thanks for your fast reply
. That was what I'm looking for.
Re: Human Warlock
Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:43 pm
by Drain
The benefit from Gnome is really small; if you don't like the race nor want to be a midget, Human is fine. Perception is great if fired at the usual ambush spots, aka WSG doors or AB flags, along with caves if you know a Rogue is around. Escape Artist is really overrated (just like the stun resist); it has a cast time, which limits its use. It's really situational, and can easily be better or worse than Perception; this is why it doesn't matter much which one you have. You have 2 abilities which are pretty much equal in competitiveness, although I'd say Perception puts most of its value towards BGs, not out in the world, where as with Escape Artist, it's the other way around. I don't know which you're going to spend more time doing. It's because Perception is great in group situations and pretty much every BG will have some Rogues. Escape Artist however lends itself better to 1vs1s which won't always be Rogues. It's kind of like how wotf, which is also overrated, isn't as awesome as people act, because we don't run into nothing but Warlocks.
Gnome is still a winner though for Warlock/Mage just because of the intellect boost. Much like Human/Orc weapon skills; this makes them uncontested for DPS roles. But it's not a huge bonus... if you don't like the race... you're not going to find yourself rejected by a guild because you didn't pick it. No guild is going to say, "Sorry, we're taking the Gnome guy instead, reroll and get back to us". I'd be a Human too, because I hate midgets.
Re: Human Warlock
Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:19 pm
by Oggi
Gnome master race.
That said its sounds like your mind is made up to roll human and it's a fair old slog to 60 followed by the end game grind, so if you prefer human casting animations, etc then go with that. EA is really handy but both human and gnome still have to deal with WotF.
Re: Human Warlock
Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:01 am
by Darkwinjax
Don't listen to drain, guy is incredibly retarded. Escape artist is best racial for warlock. Period, if you could play Horde warlock with Escape Artist you would do it and it would be the best for Wpvp and 1v1s.
Only reason going Orc is better for 1v1 is because you get a sick RNG passive and you don't have to face WotF on 3/4 the targets you are killing.
Undeads aren't even top tier if you really want to know, I'll tell you why:
BG PvP : Gnome (Alliance has better support for warlocks with paladins + you get Escape Artist), Human (Last option as an Alliance warlock), Orc, Undead, playing with a good shaman on your team as a warlock on horde can also be really fun I bet, but GL finding good shamans, meanwhile most nobrainers can play paladin to a level where you can get BoPs and Freedoms when you ask, but when you play with a real paladin player you will see how retarded it is, assuming you can position yourself and you're decked out in gear, you're literally the biggest threat on the field, with CC capacity on any level through tongues & pet & fear and absurd damage / dot pressure of warlock class, you can actually be really shit warlock and if you have good paladin support you you'll still destroy everything even if your positioning is shit, horde warlocks actually need coordination with their shamans and need better pet micro to dispel in case priests are CCed, since getting a purge with pet on priest on horde is 100x more valuable than on alliance
Wpvp : Orc > Gnome > Undead > Human, No brainer, you don't face WotF and you resist 1/4th of every stun, this means Intercept / Concussive shots / Tidal charms / Nades / Rogues, only reason this isn't rated higher than EA is because it's RNG, Escape Artist is a guaranteed escape from something you cannot dispel as a warlock or sometimes are forced to rely on RNG with pet, but I still rank the Orc RNG resist and facing no WotF as bigger than EA for Wpvp, many 1vX situations would be won if you simply could fear the other guy for 15 seconds cause he actually didn't have a trinket equipped and can't WotF out of it.
Casting Animations : Choose you're favorite, I personally like Humans and Undeads more than the other options
ps: perception is a joke, it would be useful if you could power through vanish with paranoia + perception + gogles, but you can't, it's 2016+1 soon and every rogue who has a brain will always get the opener, regardless of perception or not, and if you aren't prepared for a rogue opening on you, you'll die 100% guaranteed, specially if you have a felhunter or you aren't playing Soul link (This is a good thing, don't spec soul link), carry skull with you, and potions, if you know rogue is there use voidwalker (most of the time you won't know).
Re: Human Warlock
Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:21 am
by Yasko
@Darkwinjax So, to sum this up: If I want to min/max warlock for pvp I should go Gnome (Alliance), but It is still okay to roll with Human, due to Paladin support?
I don't try to pick the most OP Racial. Personally I like Humans the most.
Re: Human Warlock
Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:40 am
by Ravni
I'd also strongly recommend gnome unless you absolutely can't stand the looks. Regarding perception, one thing to keep in mind is that the majority of rogues on alliance - even some otherwise very good ones - aren't used to playing against high stealth detection often, whereas every borderline-competent rogue on horde side is used to playing against perception all the time (i.e. alliance rogues almost never pre-vanish)
Here are the numbers behind how stealth/detection works on Nost according to my testing:
Stealth & stealth detection bonuses stack additively: Paranoia alone often won’t help you very much against a 60 MoD rogue (315+ stealth), but in combination with catseye ultra goggles it will give you almost the same base detection as having perception (348 vs 350). Stealth works by having a ~15 yard base detection range for an even level 60 (detection 300 vs stealth 300) opponent. There is also a slight detection time delay of about half a second - which I think is dependent on server latency, but idk it also might just be a fixed timer. That detection range increases or decreases by about 1 yard for every 2 points of stealth or detection.
I.e. a MoD rogue against a regular lvl 60, 300 detection opponent will be completely invisible until ~7 yards, and will land a cheap shot from the front arc without the opponent ever seeing them due to the time delay. Paranoia will move that range out to about ~22-yards, which would give you a tiny bit of reaction time, but paranoia + catseye goggles will extend the range out a little past 30 yards and give you 3-4 seconds to tab + dot + send pet in, and a pet attacking will often bug out a counter-vanish too. Add in catseye elixir and you'll catch a non-MoD rogue from something like 50 yards out - it feels totally broken.
In vanilla Vanish is worth an extra +270 (!!) points of stealth on top of everything else, so like darkwin said, perception won't help you one bit to counter it.
Re: Human Warlock
Sat Nov 26, 2016 6:19 am
by Drain
"Don't listen to drain, guy is incredibly retarded."
You insult me like an arrogant child, meanwhile your wall of derp doesn't even mention the main benefit of playing Gnome, which is the intellect boost, not the active. How about stick to your own ramblings, and let me worry about mine.