Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:03 pm
I would be very grateful if anyone could confirm / deny / comment / add anything to following info on Vanilla Doomguard (gathered mostly from Vanilla/private Vanilla WoW forums, Warlocks Den, WoW/VanillaWoW Wiki and Youtube).
1) For Curse of Doom to have chance to proc Doomguard, multiple sources claim that the cursed mob/player was not required to give honor/XP (this was changed in WotLK IIRC) which gives me ideas with randomly cursing every critter in sight, especially in BGs...!?
2) I found 3 sources claiming 10% Vanilla CoD proc chance, one Youtube guy roughly estimated proc per 15 kills while one blogger back in the days claimed - I don´t want to believe this! - 2% chance, without any further comment/source.
3) After Lock´s death in BG (and probably anywhere else?), Doomguard/Infernal are unfortunately lost (?) and cynically replaced, upon revival on graveyard, by Imp...
4) Enslaved demon seems to despawn after zoning out (tell me this isnt true!), so good luck with bringing your own pocket elite minibosses in BGs. I hope that we will have lots of world PvP.
On a bright side, looks like one can banish / runaway / de-banish / wand / banish... kite and finally enslave elites across huge distances, naturally - starting with perfectly fresh enslave timer. Given example was kiting Lord Banehollow from Felwood to Orgrimar, then enslaving/soullinking him (this was obviously early vanilla).
5) WoW Wiki confirms that Demonic Sacrifice buff (Demo talent, saccing pet for strong buff) remains on after enslaving another demon. I was, initially, surprised that this was not considered an exploit - namely, having any of Void/Succy/Imp Demo Sac buffs with active Doomguard (check fancy list of his abilities below!) seemed quite OP.
For example, Demonic Sac (Void) in Vanilla was giving 3% of total HP per 4 sec (!), and Locks were anyway notorious for their huge H-pools. Looks like Blizzard agreed with my initial impression, since it was soon nerfed to 2% (but Doomguard, while also nerfed, became SoulLink-able) sometime in BC.
Doomguard Abilities:
1) Cripple: reduces movement speed by 40% and time between melee and ranged attacks for 45% / instant, 30 yd range, 20 sec duration, 30 sec CD
2) War Stomp: instant, 2 sec AOE stun/ 20 sec (!) CD. A couple of incomplete vanilla tooltips without CD enlisted, a couple of blogs/forum posts that describe it ˝ Tauren racial˝ without mentioning CD while some other directly claim ˝20 sec CD˝ and finally 20 sec CD can clearly be seen in an old Vanilla/early TBC video I digged out.
3) Dispel: instant, 30 yd range, removes magic buffs from enemies or magic debuffs from allys, no CD(?) On vanilla tooltips I was able to find there is no CD enlisted (which, OFC, means nothing), and in various Youtube Doomguard vids it´s either not Warlock´s PoW, or Doomguard is hostile or Lock uses only stun/cripple.
4) Rain of Fire - similar to Warlock´s ˝rain˝, handy for checking druids and rogues...what else?
5) Last, but far from least, it seems that Vanilla Doomguard was dealing quite decent damage, probably higher than any other lock pet.
Tips to keep Doomguard enslaved ˝up to quarter of an hour˝ (!), ˝full AB duration˝ (random guys from old forums and Youtube comments) are, naturally, use of Curse of Shadows (first one, OFC, pre-enslave then repeat) and Improved Enslave Demon (Demo talents) while one guy speculated that additional threefold banish/de-banish prior to enslaving further prolongs it´s duration!?
Unfortunately there is no vid of these long (re)enslaves, while ˝Youtubers˝ tend to summon / instantly release demon to terrorize Goldshire (Xroads) or to simply enslave him without pre-banish & curse of shadows (and most likely without improved enslave talents), even so first session lasts 2-3 minutes (or, to use another old and somewhat bitter forum quote ˝usually 1-2 min, then 30 sec then nothing˝).
Looks like 10-12 min is reasonably possible, while 15 should be extremely rare. Folks on Warlocks Den agree, additionally claiming that Doomguard most likely has heartbeat enslave break-check every 5-10 sec, where both curse of shadows and + spell hit gear should help (but this part of discussion mostly referred to TBC level range and gear together with Outland demons, on which some guys did quite extensive testing).
To conclude, I guess that Vanilla Doomguard was heavily under-used due to relatively high summon/maintenance ˝cost˝ together with succy / felhunter ˝laziness˝ of players (IMO Doom is much more demanding - but also more rewarding - to handle precisely in PvP, and only sometimes not clearly superior to the aforementioned two) and also great majority of people being unfamiliar with at least some of tips mentioned here, without which he becomes totally worthless one-minute annoyance.
On higher levels - in TBC and later - he was reportedly scaling poorly (stat-wise I guess), additionally suffering from few damage & abilities nerfs and some more powerful pets/builds that appeared meantime, which certainly didn´t help his bad reputation. Therefore I believe that 60 is Doomy´s peak, and his real chance to shine.
Hmm...I guess I better stop here
1) For Curse of Doom to have chance to proc Doomguard, multiple sources claim that the cursed mob/player was not required to give honor/XP (this was changed in WotLK IIRC) which gives me ideas with randomly cursing every critter in sight, especially in BGs...!?
2) I found 3 sources claiming 10% Vanilla CoD proc chance, one Youtube guy roughly estimated proc per 15 kills while one blogger back in the days claimed - I don´t want to believe this! - 2% chance, without any further comment/source.
3) After Lock´s death in BG (and probably anywhere else?), Doomguard/Infernal are unfortunately lost (?) and cynically replaced, upon revival on graveyard, by Imp...
4) Enslaved demon seems to despawn after zoning out (tell me this isnt true!), so good luck with bringing your own pocket elite minibosses in BGs. I hope that we will have lots of world PvP.
On a bright side, looks like one can banish / runaway / de-banish / wand / banish... kite and finally enslave elites across huge distances, naturally - starting with perfectly fresh enslave timer. Given example was kiting Lord Banehollow from Felwood to Orgrimar, then enslaving/soullinking him (this was obviously early vanilla).
5) WoW Wiki confirms that Demonic Sacrifice buff (Demo talent, saccing pet for strong buff) remains on after enslaving another demon. I was, initially, surprised that this was not considered an exploit - namely, having any of Void/Succy/Imp Demo Sac buffs with active Doomguard (check fancy list of his abilities below!) seemed quite OP.
For example, Demonic Sac (Void) in Vanilla was giving 3% of total HP per 4 sec (!), and Locks were anyway notorious for their huge H-pools. Looks like Blizzard agreed with my initial impression, since it was soon nerfed to 2% (but Doomguard, while also nerfed, became SoulLink-able) sometime in BC.
Doomguard Abilities:
1) Cripple: reduces movement speed by 40% and time between melee and ranged attacks for 45% / instant, 30 yd range, 20 sec duration, 30 sec CD
2) War Stomp: instant, 2 sec AOE stun/ 20 sec (!) CD. A couple of incomplete vanilla tooltips without CD enlisted, a couple of blogs/forum posts that describe it ˝ Tauren racial˝ without mentioning CD while some other directly claim ˝20 sec CD˝ and finally 20 sec CD can clearly be seen in an old Vanilla/early TBC video I digged out.
3) Dispel: instant, 30 yd range, removes magic buffs from enemies or magic debuffs from allys, no CD(?) On vanilla tooltips I was able to find there is no CD enlisted (which, OFC, means nothing), and in various Youtube Doomguard vids it´s either not Warlock´s PoW, or Doomguard is hostile or Lock uses only stun/cripple.
4) Rain of Fire - similar to Warlock´s ˝rain˝, handy for checking druids and rogues...what else?
5) Last, but far from least, it seems that Vanilla Doomguard was dealing quite decent damage, probably higher than any other lock pet.
Tips to keep Doomguard enslaved ˝up to quarter of an hour˝ (!), ˝full AB duration˝ (random guys from old forums and Youtube comments) are, naturally, use of Curse of Shadows (first one, OFC, pre-enslave then repeat) and Improved Enslave Demon (Demo talents) while one guy speculated that additional threefold banish/de-banish prior to enslaving further prolongs it´s duration!?
Unfortunately there is no vid of these long (re)enslaves, while ˝Youtubers˝ tend to summon / instantly release demon to terrorize Goldshire (Xroads) or to simply enslave him without pre-banish & curse of shadows (and most likely without improved enslave talents), even so first session lasts 2-3 minutes (or, to use another old and somewhat bitter forum quote ˝usually 1-2 min, then 30 sec then nothing˝).
Looks like 10-12 min is reasonably possible, while 15 should be extremely rare. Folks on Warlocks Den agree, additionally claiming that Doomguard most likely has heartbeat enslave break-check every 5-10 sec, where both curse of shadows and + spell hit gear should help (but this part of discussion mostly referred to TBC level range and gear together with Outland demons, on which some guys did quite extensive testing).
To conclude, I guess that Vanilla Doomguard was heavily under-used due to relatively high summon/maintenance ˝cost˝ together with succy / felhunter ˝laziness˝ of players (IMO Doom is much more demanding - but also more rewarding - to handle precisely in PvP, and only sometimes not clearly superior to the aforementioned two) and also great majority of people being unfamiliar with at least some of tips mentioned here, without which he becomes totally worthless one-minute annoyance.
On higher levels - in TBC and later - he was reportedly scaling poorly (stat-wise I guess), additionally suffering from few damage & abilities nerfs and some more powerful pets/builds that appeared meantime, which certainly didn´t help his bad reputation. Therefore I believe that 60 is Doomy´s peak, and his real chance to shine.
Hmm...I guess I better stop here