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Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:21 am
by trefer
This list is for all warlocks to add information regarding bugs to the class. We need a official bug forum for this class as we have many problems at the moment. We need to bring this to the attention of the staff so they may begin to slowly fix these issues. Please feel free to add any issues you see with the class so I can update this list.

#1 Voidwalker threat is abysmal and can not be working as intended.
#2 Voidwalker suffering spell does not provide aoe agro as intended
#3 Firestones do not work at all
#4 Eye of Kilrog is not working properly Mobs should not agro warlock after eye is attacked.
#5 Spell Coefficients are off for dots. FIXED
#6 Improved Drain Life is not working No bonus from talent
#7 Improved Mana drain is not working No bonus from talent
#8 Summoning places your character into a bugged animation state and or problems with casting after.
#9 Fear pathing makes target continue to run almost 40 yards in one direction instead of multiple directions Up to interpretation . What are you thoughts?
#9 Drain soul is not receiving bonus from grim reach
#10 Improved drain soul is not working No bonus from talent
#11 Pets in defensive mode sometimes attack monsters that are not attacking player
#12 Pets wont obey command to attack or cast spells if target is los from them Partially fixed. Commanding to cast spell on target out of los the pet will not obey but physical attack command they will.
#13 Pyroclasm is not working Unconfirmed
#14 Amplify Curse is not applying to Curse of Exhaustion. Talent is working for curse of agony
#15 Succubus won't cast seduce if she's taking damage with SL, not before a certain amount of time ofc, she'd rather spam Iesser invis
* When you have Master demonologist and felhunter out, you jump on lava : the first 3 ticks of fire damage will be mitigated but not the others

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:40 am
by Rylox
#12 Pets wont obey command to attack or cast spells if target is los from them
This has been fixed for a few days.

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:16 pm
by Wambulance
trefer wrote:#1 Voidwalker threat is abysmal and can not be working as intended.
#2 Voidwalker suffering spell does not provide aoe agro as intended
#5 Spell Coefficients are off for dots.
#9 Fear pathing makes target continue to run almost 40 yards in one direction instead of multiple directions

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 6:05 pm
by nervous

what are the current coefficients for DoTs? I'll check on my own tonight and compare, but just wondering what number you're coming up with


Are you sure? I used it a bit while leveling and it would only proc if I got the kill, not my pet. I think that might be correct behavior, but to be honest, I never used it while leveling on retail.

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:30 am
by Skuggor
OP must provide some sources...

#1 : Kinda fine with me. Well, blasting 16 shadow bolts doesn't help, but with 3 dots on the mob, no problem. Same way as I did on retail : Pet aggro and first hit, 3 dots, afk.

#2 Works good on me. Activating it, mobs turnings back on the VW.

#5 Which are ..?

#6 How ? Tooltip modified by talent : ok.

Don't know about the others. But if I could give you some advice : don't say "DOESN'T WORK" without reliable sources. What doesnt work ? The spell ? Talent ? button ? game ? animation ?

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 9:57 pm
by ScorchedClash
Eye of Kilrogg now working. And put a lot of aggro on the caster after death.

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:00 pm
by hasseoliver
Eye of Kilrog is WORKING.
OP do research?

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:17 pm
by rockingjs
Siphon Life is acting weirdly for me : i have it on rank 1 at the moment with 2 points in shadow mastery. On the bloodscalp trolls in stranglethorn it hits for 15 per tick, total of 150. On the lashtail-raptors and crocolisks it hits for 17 per tick, total of 170. Why? :S

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:29 pm
by zerf
Resistances perhaps?

You can check resistances of target by using this macro:
/script u=UnitResistance y="target" a=u(y ,0) h=u(y ,1) f=u(y ,2) n=u(y ,3) fr=u(y ,4) s=u(y ,5) z=u(y ,6) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitName(y).." has "..a.." Armor, "..h.." HR, "..f.." FR, "..n.." NR, "" FrR, "..s.." SR and "..z.." AR.")

Re: Official Warlock Bug List

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:40 pm
by rockingjs
if a unit resists anything, the amount it resits would be shown in the combat-log. i made a post with screenshots to proof that it doesnt work correctly.