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Felhunter lost its innate 120 resists

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:15 pm
by Rylox
And GM asks for proof... WTF come on...
Someone have more proof than this? Crazy that it broke in the first place =D also if you scroll to felhunter stats "felhunters have innate resistance of twice master level"

Re: Felhunter lost its innate 120 resists

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:37 am
by Nicholaes
No proof here. That link was edited in 2010 so it's not reliable plus your other link is to a non blizzard site where someone could have made those up. Not saying you are wrong just there is no proof here.

Re: Felhunter lost its innate 120 resists

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:00 pm
by nervous
I'll look for evidence later tonight if no one else is. ... nce_issue/

Looks like it had 60 base innate resist. Found that number thrown across several other sites as well.

Proof confirmed: post was taken December 2004, warlocks did not have a master demonologist talent back then

Re: Felhunter lost its innate 120 resists

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:26 am
by Rylox
Where is the patch note that they got resistances then?
I went through every one on WoWwiki searching 'Felhunter' entries.
I was sure they were there from the start like they were a few days ago.

Re: Felhunter lost its innate 120 resists

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:56 pm
by nervous
Rylox wrote:Where is the patch note that they got resistances then?
I went through every one on WoWwiki searching 'Felhunter' entries.
I was sure they were there from the start like they were a few days ago.

As far as I'm aware, that was a TBC thing. And seeing as how mangos is at its core a downgraded TBC server, there would be your answer. As for documentation, you can feel free to look it up. I'm happy with 60 resistances and feel that 120 base + 60 demonology + 100/130 set bonus from t1/t2 set sounds a bit unrealistic.

Re: Felhunter lost its innate 120 resists

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:01 pm
by nu2ne ... kills.html


Decent health and armor. Decent damage. Gains 2 resistnace in all catergorys per 1 level of warlock. At level 60 this is 120 resistnace in all categorys.

MD- gives 1 Resistnace in all categorys per level. At 60 this gives the warlock and felhunter 60 reisitnace in all categorys which means the felhunter has a total resistance in all categorys of 180.

========== ... 8168796311


120 normal resistance at lvl 60, 120 with the 5 pieces nemesis set (100 with the t1 set) and +60 with MD=300 ******* resist agaist EVERY school of magic +spell lock+he can eat your bufs/debufs to heal himself.

#1. I am **** well geared without having much MC experience ... I cannot beat my roommate fel hunter in a duel. I am a fire/frost mage with block and coldsnap and blastwave and about +300 damage and +8% crit and no dice ... felhunter beats me in a duel. Handily mind you. The thing has 220 resist to all schools (he's not even demonology specced)



SL Felhunters, with 180 Magic resist, are nearly impossible to banish. Slightly easier with CoS, but usually end up getting eaten by DoTs by the time the guy is finally banished.

Re: Felhunter lost its innate 120 resists

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:35 pm
by nervous
Looks as though felhunter resistance was changed sometime between 2004-late 2005. I can't find any patch notes, hidden or otherwise that can pin it down exactly.