How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other clas

How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other clas

by Rebral » Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:38 am

I was looking at the class charts for most played classes and races and I ended choosing a warlock since not to many people were playing them and that was perfect since I wanted to be a lock back in retail vanilla but ended up going warrior instead, but after looking at the charts again it seems warlocks are played as much as priest and druids are the least played. So I'm wondering weather I should re-roll to a druid while I'm still low level so i can raid since resto will be in high demand or just not worry about it and stick with my lock?
Last edited by Rebral on Tue Apr 07, 2015 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by nervous » Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:47 am

Rebral wrote:I was looking at the class charts for most played classes and races and I ended choosing a warlock since not to many people were playing them and that was perfect since I wanted to be a lock back in retail vanilla but ended up going warrior instead, but after looking at the charts again it seems warlocks are played as much as priest and druids are the least played. So I'm wondering weather I should re-roll to a druid while I'm still low level so i can raid since resto will be in high demand or just not worry about it and stick with my lock?

no one's not recruiting locks ever.

Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by rockingjs » Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:11 pm

well, sm/ruin warlock mostly does top dps compared to equally geared other classes as far as i experienced it - then you have soulstone, banish - so the warlock is very viable.

Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by Fabuleux » Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:21 pm

And we all know that DS-Ruin > SM -Ruin

Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by rockingjs » Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:21 am

yes, agreed... both are very viable and sm/ruin is also reasonable in pvp.

Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by Wyatt99 » Thu May 28, 2015 11:27 pm

What does SM and DS stand for if I may ask?

Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by SuperDuck » Fri May 29, 2015 11:16 am

Wyatt99 wrote:What does SM and DS stand for if I may ask?

Shadow Mastery and Demonic Sacrifice. Lock talent specs are usually described by some of the key talents, and rarely go 31 points deep in one spec.

Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by Rhinzual30 » Fri May 29, 2015 11:47 am

SuperDuck wrote:
Wyatt99 wrote:What does SM and DS stand for if I may ask?

Shadow Mastery and Demonic Sacrifice. Lock talent specs are usually described by some of the key talents, and rarely go 31 points deep in one spec.

Out of all 3 31 talent choices, I always saw Affliction's Dark Pact as the most useful one, if only because turning the imp into a more efficient mana battery was better over the other two.
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Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by Particles » Fri May 29, 2015 2:31 pm

Rhinzual30 wrote:
SuperDuck wrote:
Wyatt99 wrote:What does SM and DS stand for if I may ask?

Shadow Mastery and Demonic Sacrifice. Lock talent specs are usually described by some of the key talents, and rarely go 31 points deep in one spec.

Out of all 3 31 talent choices, I always saw Affliction's Dark Pact as the most useful one, if only because turning the imp into a more efficient mana battery was better over the other two.


Ruin, the 21st point talent in destruction is required for all raiding locks. The last 10 points of destruction are fire, which leaves 30 points to spend in either affliction (SM) or demo (DS).

To the OP, Warlocks are one of the main DPS classes in vanilla, so they will consistently compete with Rogues, Mages, and Fury Warriors, although casters are a bit weak atm due to poor itemization.

Re: How viable are Warlocks going to be in raids over other

by Cousy » Fri May 29, 2015 3:17 pm

Rhinzual30 wrote:
SuperDuck wrote:
Wyatt99 wrote:What does SM and DS stand for if I may ask?

Shadow Mastery and Demonic Sacrifice. Lock talent specs are usually described by some of the key talents, and rarely go 31 points deep in one spec.

Out of all 3 31 talent choices, I always saw Affliction's Dark Pact as the most useful one, if only because turning the imp into a more efficient mana battery was better over the other two.

None of the 31 point talents are useful in raids at all. Getting Dark Pact means you don't get Ruin. Getting SL means you don't get Ruin. Getting conflag means you have to get conflag which sucks in PvE environments, especially so in BWL / MC.

The 'extra' mana you'd get from Dark Pact is less mana than you can get using the same global cooldown from Life Tap.
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