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Whats the way for Warlock
Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:41 pm
by guidomil
Hi everyone, i would like to know if this build is a good way to lvl up and then PvP. The idea is all about affliction is first part of build, and after 20 point in Aflic, the remainder on Destr like my build. Please Tell if its ok and what changes might you do. ... 5122025121And why is not good if really isn`t good.
And last Questions, if Siphon life and Shadow Mastery are essential to warlock and why.
Thanks Guys.
Re: Whats the way for Warlock
Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:49 pm
by ArsMaleficorum ... 152501051rWill be better. Btw Pyroclasm is overrated. Raw stats at first will be better than SP or crit, and stam > int.
The main problem with destro is that it needs good gear, at least r10. And a lot of skill.
Shadow Mastery is essential for pve, Siphon Life is good for lvling.
Also, Improved Corruption 5/5 is a must for pvp.
Re: Whats the way for Warlock
Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:33 pm
by nervous ... 340102301uGenerally points in destruction are bad if your goal is getting to level 60 ASAP.
Something like the above build is good if efficiency is what you want. Affliction all the way down to shadow mastery, then starting into demonology at 40. Improved drain life is a waste of talent points. You can remove the points from curse of exhaustion if you wanted and put them somewhere else (suppression/CoA), but I used it too often in pvp.
Re: Whats the way for Warlock
Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:30 am
by guidomil
So, It is essential to add points on demonology to lvl 60. then i could change to destruction to pvp, or with demons i can give battle?
Re: Whats the way for Warlock
Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:43 am
by riq and snog
Go affli until 45 then respec demo... faster lvling and due to lack of cc high survivalability is crucial.
For endgame the 30 0 21 is good enough for pvp an pve..also 3 piece t 1 give 15% leech added to improved drain life and shadowmastery is quite good:-)
Re: Whats the way for Warlock
Tue May 05, 2015 11:40 pm
by Oth
I've found Siphon Life to be a non-factor for the most part, PvE-wise. I'll cast it on bosses, but on instance trash or while leveling, the mobs die so quickly that it is a waste of mana.
Re: Whats the way for Warlock
Wed May 06, 2015 11:23 am
by riq and snog
Syphon life is bs true but i was talking about drain life:-)
Dont waste precious debuf slots by applying it ever!!!
in fact the only times i use it are on rogues in pvp since its the longest dot, anndwhile farming in pve. When ilife tap to regain mana i apply only this dot and drain mob dead