Why did you pick a lock?

Why did you pick a lock?

by Shiggs13 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:51 pm


I'm interested in making a warlock. I already have a main hunter here, and I've never made/played a warlock before in any expansion. I'm now drawn to it because they seem to have so much versatility while at the same time dishing out the damage. There seems to be so many specs/pet combos you can use to play with that just makes it seem like a lot of fun (ofc only a few viable).

So, why did you guys pick warlocks to play with? Curious to see all the answers :D

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Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by riq and snog » Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:57 pm

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Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by mynamewastaken » Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:44 pm

i generally like picking locks
sometimes it can be a bit tricky but you know i like the thrill when i click buttons on my screen. it makes me really happy and i feel like i can be a totally different person

/// atm @ 230 lockpicking
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Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by Lighthammer » Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:13 pm

Well, free mount of course, but also I like them because they are sort of the outcasts of society together with the rogues and myself. They are also very risk-reward which makes it a very complex and intense class to play in pvp. The obvious downside is that they are not very useful in raids. You need one for CoE to buff the mages who are the real dpsers, a mage will always win against a warlock in terms of dps unless he's an idiot. Especially now where we only have 8 debuffs, so you're pretty much spamming shadowbolt for the entire raid.

They are really strong in PvP, which makes potential gankers avoid you, or if they are a group, hunt you down like cattle and then sit on your corpse. A warlock is especially powerful together with a mage or priest, the amount of cc is insane. Of course it takes some skill to perfectly use your pet while PvPing, spell lock is great against casters while sacrifice can be used to extend your life to kill the enemy or run away.

They also have many epic quests and a lot of RP to their name. Many scenarios can be created that involve Warlocks and their counterpart; the Mages and Shamans.

Lastly there is the great fun in dropping an infernal on your enemy town >:D
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Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by Rylox » Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:19 pm

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Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by Shiggs13 » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:39 am

mynamewastaken wrote:i generally like picking locks
sometimes it can be a bit tricky but you know i like the thrill when i click buttons on my screen. it makes me really happy and i feel like i can be a totally different person

/// atm @ 230 lockpicking

Lol'd. Wasn't expecting that!
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Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by Dontmindme » Sat Apr 25, 2015 9:23 pm

After playing mage,priest and lock i'll ask just two questions.

1.Do you like dots?

I've seen many locks trying to play destruction ,just because they find dots boring and ending up hating the class.(this was my case).If you don't like dots roll a mage or stick with the hunter,because destro locks are just poor man's mages.(yeah,it's true)

2.Do you like pets?

If you play a hunter,sure try one.But let me tell you something.
Locks have one tanking pet and all the others are just for some utility.It's all there is about them.
Succubus for cc,felhunter for magic devouring/spell locking and so on.Thing is,as a lock i always feel i lack something,is it cc or damage or buff.Something is not there.

For me pet managing as a warlock is a chore.Pets for the most part are weak on their own,unlike hunter pets, kinda dull and with little gameplay variety.

If you want to burst things down without much trouble-get mage.NOT lock.
If you like dots roll priest or lock.
If you don't like pets get priest.

RIght now i'm playing mage and a priest alt and i'm having a blast.
Shadow Priests are almost as good in pvp as locks,while they are not really viable as a pve dps.
They can heal allies,dispel,buff,shield and support,don't have some ugly pet to manage and at any time i can switch and heal in pve or pvp.

I wonder sometimes why would anyone play a lock except for the part that they are somewhat more powerful
than mages and priests(but only as soul link spec which is boring as hell) and far, far ,far less rewarding.
All you have to do is macro your all your dots to one button,spam drain life and fear if things gets close to you.Not a fun gameplay if you ask me.

Good or bad player,doesn't matter-they all do the same things.Again,and again...and again.

Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by nervous » Sat Apr 25, 2015 10:13 pm

Dontmindme wrote:All you have to do is macro your all your dots to one button,spam drain life and fear if things gets close to you.Not a fun gameplay if you ask me.

Good or bad player,doesn't matter-they all do the same things.Again,and again...and again.

That statement makes me wonder if you actually play a warlock on this server at 60.

Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by Bioness » Tue Apr 28, 2015 4:29 am

I've always admired their play style though I was never able to level one fully in retail, I've always played the healing classes and given how difficult it might be to grind and level as a healer, deciding to go with a Warlock was the obvious choice for me.
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Re: Why did you pick a lock?

by durabigael » Thu Jun 18, 2015 1:02 am

Why so many people are bashing destro lock ?

I always been one and they are quite impressive. They are burst dps , they can kill someone in a matter of second. I cannot wait to be higher level to make a name for myself.

The only thing about lock , its we don t have many escape.

I used to be a human lock in Vanilla , and I loved my racial to find those dirty rogue. But I prefer to be be an undead so i dont fight a bunch of undead and i can cannibalize.


I m scared its gonna be harder to find a place in a raid as a lock on the horde side.


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