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Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:41 pm
by joshdabeast
I have decided to make a warlock but I am deciding on a race between ORC and Undead. Before you guys spam me to death with UNDEAD UNDEAD, I will ask you to think about it, I realize that WOTF is a very powerful ability but the 25% stun resist is also powerful too. As horde characters we don't have to deal with classes being able to get out of our fears as easily and as a warlock a felhound can devour magic for fear ( given you dont have it on autocast). If rogues and warriors are the biggest threat, could you imagine resisting a warriors charge or a rogues cheap shot, or even a hunter's pet charging you to prevent it from using pummel.... Also cannibalism is nice but you have to spend 7 seconds for 35% health and I personally think the 5% extra damage from pets is a tad more useful. Although undeads are cooler and have better emotes, Id rather be a orc if it meant avoiding a walk back to my body. Comments please

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:53 pm
by nujabes
In my opinion, Orc is superior. Like you said, Warlocks can already dispel fear, sleep and charm effects without needing to be Forsaken.

The 25% stun resist is useful in a lot more cases than you mention. Hunters have 20% chance to stun with Concussive shot, Shadow priests, Fire mages and Destruction Warlocks can all stun you for 3 sec in PvP with a little bit of luck. Druids, and Rogues in particular rely a lot on their stuns. While I wouldn't say Warriors rely on their stuns the same way a Rogue does, it's nice to skew the odds slightly in your favor.

Or you know, you can remove one or two Fear effects. And it's on a cooldown.

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 3:36 am
by Drooppi
Having played a troll mage, I don't believe in the power of racials. So I'd go for whatever you're happy with having on your screen for the next months.

However, it feels to me that you use WOTF in "the wrong way". That's just my opinion, but if you compare it to a dog eating the debuff, you're using it wrong =).
Betting on chance, or betting on something I can control that will be depending on my (and the opponent's) skill... tough choice?

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:44 am
by Storm
To answer your question, Orc is superior. WOTF is HUGELY overrated especially for ranged classes. With orc you have a 1/4 chance of not being stunned at all, which is incredibly useful in PvP. Undead is just a good race for rogues perhaps but most people choose it because of the aesthetics. WotF is only useful against other warlocks and priests (uncommon classes to begin with).

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:50 am
by showtime
well with stuns u miss anyways and get resisted so that plus +25% is more like 40% i feel and its way way to op

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:55 am
by showtime
all the warlocks go horde so u dont have to worry about wotf really. and no one plays priest cuz they cant blow people up in pvp. so now the most over powered class in the game (warlock) is now going to be overpopulated in horde. its the domino effect gentlmens. 40% stun resisting guys running around on warsong making pallies hoj and repentence less useful and making alliance weaker because we have millions of locks one shotting us

maybe buff paladins and give humans every man

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:58 am
by Drain
Undead is the winner for Classic. They just have generally more useful traits. Your Orc has 1 racial that's useful against 1 class. That's it.
1) No Fear Ward in Classic. For the Horde!
2) Shadow Resist is a great resist(unlike other resist racials), as it affects a lot of nasty dots/debuffs(including fear!).
3) Blood Fury only has melee attack power on it. This is useful to Warlocks how?
4) Warlocks can't equip axes. This actually manages to be MORE worthless than the Blood Fury, since you literally "can't" use it.
5) +5% pet damage is +5% of jack shit until you get a Felguard.
6) Cannibalize is health you can promptly turn over into mana with Life Tap, or use to heal after using Life Tap. Also, you get to eat enemy player corpses. Always been a + in my book.
7) Muscular Orcs do not look right in cloth.

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:52 am
by Anzu
Drain wrote:7) Muscular Orcs do not look right in cloth.

Drain made lots of strong points but this is the biggest one.
You mentioned in your post that you prefer the design/emotes of the undead more as well. Then undead should be the logical choice to be honest. I'd never be able to make an Orc Warlock if I liked Undeads more. I'd just have a bad taste in my mouth for the whole session.

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:22 am
by joshdabeast
I agree with drain except that the racial is very nice against many classes, but with all the undead rogues most ally just wont pick warlocks. Also with the cannibalize dont forget damage procs it to stop. But Id just have to agree with nujabes, 25% stun resist is too valuable, especially for a warlock since it would only be used against alliance warlocks and priest both uncommonly picked classes. Im going to roll orc, thank you guys for the feedback

Re: Orc vs Undead Warlock

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:05 pm
by Drain
Undead Rogues are a problem for Alliance Warlocks yes... but you know what's a problem for Horde Rogues? Perception(which stacks with Felhunter buff, meaning they see you about a mile away). In fact, almost every Alliance racial is a problem for Horde Rogues. Perception, Shadowmeld, and Stoneform all make life harder for Rogues. Who has these? Almost everyone on the whole Alliance(More than 75%, as Human/Elf were more popular than Gnome). Horde Rogues also have to fight Paladins, which is much more problematic than Shamans. Where as Shamans are easy gank targets, Horde Rogue has to deal with plate, Divine Shield, Protection, Freedom, and Hammer of Justice. So is your logic now that there won't be any Horde Rogues?

There's always going to be some matchup between race X and Y or with CD Z that's in favor of one side over another. It doesn't mean that a faction(or race) won't use a class. Similarly, if you're Horde as Warrior, you have no gear competition for plate, but that didn't stop anyone from rolling the class on Alliance. Most people will take the race they like, as well you should, and not be concerned with min/maxing their class's potential.