by Lorilay » Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:20 pm
• I like and use 1/29/21 for flag carrying, since you can dish out healing decently as well. 8/11/32 is also good for survivability, although you can't really tank your way through their entire team as well as you can with more bear talents.
• Level enchanting for the tank trinket, engineering is a beast as always.
• Always carry ~20 free action potions and take the time to stock up on whipper root tubers.
• Use ItemRack and have sets hotkeyed (I switch to 4-piece PvP set when I'm running, but back to tank gear if I'm going to get beat on).
• Speaking of gear, make sure you collect a full tanking set, rank up to at least 8 for the 4-piece bonus, and collect a leather healing set (stam > healing > int).
• Don't cheap out on enchants, but the #1 enchant of all time is movement speed to boots. Any time I can just run away from melee in bear form is just hilarious. Don't be that guy.
• Don't pull a Dizzy and delete your Skull of Impending Doom (shots fired!). Other must-haves are Rocket Boots, Swift Boots, Nifty Stopwatch, and Tidal Charm.
• Whether you're horde or alliance, master the horde GY jump (both with a mount and in cheetah form).
• Balance the use of track humanoids against the presence of enemy can kite the other team for days when you know where they are, but if a rogue catches you in cat form you'll probably have to use your pvp trinket or cooldown.
• Learn's not always the best option to take off across mid with the flag. Sometimes it's better to hang out in their base or over their tunnel until their team is engaged at midfield and you have a clear shot. Hanging out over their tunnel can force 1-2 people to ride up their ramp to come after you.
• If you're a raider and pick up an Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire, you can put it to good use keeping an opponent from mounting while you cheetah off into the sunset. Just /attack them and summon your trusty buddy, and he'll run over and start blasting away for 40-50 damage PER HIT.