Resto PvP Gear

Resto PvP Gear

by qweefer09 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:11 pm

Hello fellow Druids. I'm new to Nos and have decided to role a healing class. And rather than playing one more popular priest or pallys, I've chosen to play Resto Druid. After reading through most of the threads on BiS gear for Resto PvE healing I read some comments mentioning that the Druid pvp gear isn't specifically for Resto Druids. With that being said is this true? I want to focus in pvp and healing in pvp. So if I'm also wondering if I'll be tuning around in t1 or t2 instead of the pvp gear.
Thanks for your time and experience. Also any information would be greatly appreciated since I only played a hunter in vanilla.

Re: Resto PvP Gear

by Takefive » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:28 pm

   Well if you join WSG - whether resto or not - people expect you to be the flag carrier. Three pieces of r12/r13 pvp set or four pieces of r7/r8/r10 pvp set appreciated. Skull of Impending Doom and different items for movement speed and CC help too.

   I believe you should have few sets of healer's items mixed with some defensive items. For example if you joined bg with a lot of warlocks and priests on opposite side, or maybe you faced them in a duel, you want to wear such items like Juno's Shadow + shadow resistance enchantment or Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector. It's nice to have something like Stoneshield Cloak with armor enchantment against many rogues and warriors. And so on. But that's only my playstyle and my opinion - it differs from player to player.

   There are few things that can stop you from using many defensive items. It's very hard to chase a druid and if you use this advantage correctly people prefer to forget about you during the fight with a lot of people involved. You can't change your items during the combat and it's more efficient to have only one set oriented for all enemy types that you predict to face - usually it's sta+int+healing power. And also not so many items released yet and it looks like you need to focus on sta+int+healing power items again to be competitive healer now. There will be nice options in the future.

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