Eisseltron wrote:I've been wondering - (and hopefully the forum is alive enough that this can be answered) about a couple mechanics in vanilla cat form because my memory is fuzzy.
What is our hit cap?
Can we benefit from procs in any way? i.e. crusader, hand of justice, etc.
Does + Weapon damage affect us?
Does anyone know of some sort of combat sim that can be used? I'm trying to figure out what amount of AP becomes better than 1% crit.
Melee hit cap is 9%, but dps simulators still put agi > hit (I'm not sure why).
Weapon procs do not work in feral forms.
+Weapon damage did not affect feral attacks on retail. However, it's bugged on all private servers I've played on (including here), which makes this the most desirable enchant for your weapon (+9 damage * 1.0 speed = 126AP) until it gets nerfed (or if it gets nerfed).