'ey guys.
Been working on my nelf Druid, and just wanted to know if Balance is a viable leveling spec from low 20s, and if so, is there a way to spec that I could get Boomkin Form at 40, and then subspec Resto to better heal 5-mans?
My main is a Pally who I plan to try for a Tanking spot in a raid guild, but I also enjoy healing, and Pallyhealing, although fabulous for PvP, can be boring in PvE, and Druids seemed to have the best balance in terms of raid untility and having to think before casting when healing. As I plan to heal with my Druid at 60, I would like to learn the ins and outs of my role on the way there, but am not so foolhardy as to level Resto prior to 52. Feral would likely get me to 60 faster, but I hate tanking with Rage. Plus, although healers and Boomkins use different gear sets, at low levels they are close enough, and still better than healing in Aferal gear. =P
Finally, is there any compelling reason for a Druid to be a LW? My current professions are Ench/Herb, and while I love chanting, Herbing doesn't seem to be the moneymaker I thought it would be.