I have found countless of dead wowprovider links out there. So if anyone had any working links it would be awesome. Is there a spec that works like semiish for pvp and pve?
http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#0p0xhMEstVMhoZV you could replace the 4 in imp wrath with more in natures grasp too. the more common balance pvp spec is to get natures swiftness but you cant get boomkin form that way so it wouldnt be good for raids.
im pretty sure u just spam starfire until the boss is low on hp, then a few wraths because a 3 second cast might not make it in time before the boss dies.
You can import those dead Wowprovider links into Realmplayers by going to any Realmplayers talent calculator page and clicking the Import link on the page.
As one of the few practicing moonkins of this server I can vouch for Norjak's talents in terms of PVE. Rotation is pretty much Demonic Runes + Major Mana Potion on CD > Innervate + Spirit Staff Swap on CD > Starfire spam. You can and should also downrank Starfire if needed.